Chapter 3: Suspicion & A New Face

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Bloodstar stood on top of the Great Sky Rock. A flash of movement flickered, and she watched it, eyes glinting.The figure stepped out, the cats pelt barley visible among the shadows.

"Blackstripe. You've arrived.",she purred evilly.
She jumped down, and looked at him.

"Follow.",she growled, and turned around, and padded to camp, hearing the pawsteps of the stranger's paws following.
When they entered, the Camp was silent.

"Is this a trap?",growled Blackstripe.

"Have you've heard of sleeping?",snapped Bloodstar, angered by his suspicion, but smirked when he flinched.

"Make yourself  comfortable, I have some explaining for why I brought you here.",she mewed.
When they settled, Bloodstar meowed,

"I want you to help me destroy the Lake Tribe. If my Clan wants to take over the forest, The Lake Tribe must submit to me aswell."
She saw a spark of interest in the black tabby tom's eyes. But then he narrowed his eyes.

"What is it for me?",he asked in a growl.

"I'll give you a whole Clans worth of territory to yourself, and anyone who you wish to bring with you. Whether it's your mate, or family.",she replied.

"Fine. But what about your Clan?",he asked.

"Who cares. This is my Clan. So don't try and bring up the bad parts. Like I tell everyone. My Clan, My Ways. Don't like them, get out, or die under my orders.",she answered with a stern growl.

Blackstripe replied with a snort. "I thought the Clans needed loyalty to prove themselves",he sneered.
Bloodstar leaped at Blackstripe, and slashed her claws across his chest, and pinned him to a tree.

"Don't talk about my Clan like that or I'll kill you.",she snarled, then let him go. She sat back down, tail lashing.
Blackstripe snorted, and padded to a patch of grass.
Bloodstar glanced at him, anger burning in her amber eyes.

"You will be staying here for now. I'll tell you more tomorrow.", she spat, and turned her back to him.She closed her eyes, and fell asleep, aware of Blackstripe watching her.


Bloodstar woke with a paw prodding her. She got up, and growled lowly, scenting Blackstripe.
"What?", she snapped.

"I was going to talk to you. Like you said yesterday,", he replied just as harshly.

"Later. When there's not as much cats out.",she answered flatly, but got up, and leaped into The Fire Willow, and called a Clan Meeting.
Once everyone was gathered, Bloodstar began,

"We have a new cat who'll be staying for a few days, then leaving and going back and fourth."
Cats yowled in protest
"He's a spy!",one yowled

"Don't trust those mountain fleabags!"

"Get out! Y-"
Before more insults could be thrown at the black tabby tom, Bloodstar screeched,

Silence hung in the clearing now, cats backed up, heads low, avoiding Bloodstar's now angry gaze.

"He will be treated like us, and any problems, must come to me. I will discuss this later.",she snapped, and jumped down, and flicked her tail for the cats who threw out the protests to come over, and mewed,
"You too, Blackstripe"
When they settled in the den, her gaze bore into the three cats.

"Tigerfang, Wolfpaw, and Cleargaze. What do you have to say to Blackstripe?",she growled sternly.

"Sorry...",they murmured.

"Better.",snapped Blackstripe, but was silenced quickly by Bloodstar.

"You'll be having Apprentices duties, and Wolfpaw, two moons, no Gathering and three days held back on Warrior Ceremony."
They nodded, and left. Bloodstar turned to Blackstripe and mewed,

"So what's your plan to help me?"

"You'll give me your strengths, but I'll tell the Tribe. But it'll be your weakness. And I will give you the Tribe's weakness and strengths. There's also a large tunnel enough for an attack or ambush patrol, that'll be your fake weakness. I could train the cats you want to attack the Tribe with to fight in tunneled areas."

"Good... So, what Is your Tribe's weaknesses?",prompted Bloodstar.

"Lake Tribe is over confident that the bramble walls won't burn. Because apprentices take turns watering the bush with water from the pond. So, if you get it to burn the tribe will have to put all their water source to the bush.",Blackstripe replied with a sneer.

Bloodstar purred darkly. "Is there anything else?"

"I will find out more when I return. I still have moons worth to help you. They never think that Clans are stronger than a tribe.",replied Blackstripe, he turned around, and left, tail flicking.
Bloodstar sniffed, but she smirked, and looked around for Bonefang when she exited after Blacktail.She saw the white tabby Tom, and padded over.

"Bonefang! Get some herbs ready. I'm starting the first phase of my attack. We must burn do-", she was cut off when a cat padded to her.

"What Darkflame!?",she snapped.
Darkflame leaped back, then mewed,

"DawnClan accused BlazeClan of crossing their borders!"
Bloodstar snarled,

"Get a confrontation patrol ready NOW. Bring extra warriors and spread them around the camp. Enough for a battle. Kill as many as you can if they start a battle.",she hissed, and turned away.

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