Chapter 27

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[Mattheos Pov]

I heald Y/ns wrist keeping her from getting up. Pansy had her hand on her mouth in shock from what she just said. "Y/n im so- so sorry!! I didnt realize what i was saying! I- I was just frustrated and mad! I- i just wanted a reason to be pissed!" Pansy blurted. "Shut up! You slept with my fiancé! Behind all of our backs. As much as i may claim to hate him and shut him down, hes also mine. Youd be pretty pissed if someone got into Blaises pants right? I dont give a shit if he doesnt love me im the only one in this motherfucking room that has the right to be by his side. Not you. And it will never be you. So i agree. We need to have a friend meeting." Y/n finally argued back, while backing up to me and letting her ass rest on my lap.

"Thank you Y/n. We love the honesty. Lorenzo why dont we hear your part." Astoria looked over to Lorenzo and Theodore, who were silent. "Y/n we went over this. I love you. Alot. Its just your with my best friend. Wether you want to or not its you and him until the end. It hurts Y/n. I have to watch you sit by him, sit on him, sit with him. Its hard to let you go. What pisses me off the most is your still even willing to sit by him after he repeatedly left your side for Pansy. Pansy Y/n!Seriously? No offense pansy but who would choose you over Y/n? He has everything i want in his grasp. He has you wrapped around his pretty little finger Y/n. Its a bit aggravating to watch you let yourself unravel for him." Lorenzo explained his part.

Y/n gripped on my pants to contain herself. She took a breath in, i couldn't necessarily see what she was doing. I was quickly answered when she let out a shaky breath. "I grew up with Mattheo Y/n. He stuck by myside, we were similar. Ive seen mattheo with a multitude of different women, but its like you two get closer everyday. Which is good i guess, but you didnt want me. You wanted Lorenzo. Then when you couldnt have him you turned to Mattheo. He's a man whore Y/n. The two of you will break eachother off eventually and when you do who will you go to then? And pansy? That is so fucked up Blaise is my guy i just don't understand why he would still want you." Theodore added, almost calling Y/n a whore aswell.

"Obviously im pissed my girl fucked my bestfriend but what can i do about that?? Its honestly quite amuzing to watch all three of you tear eachother apart over Y/n so honestly it makes me a bit less mad about the situation itself knowing Mattheo didnt give a shit about Pansy in the first place. By the looks of it he's enjoying whatever Y/ns giving him. So obviously Pansy didnt give him enough of anything to really make him satisfied. Maybe to distract or ease himself here and there but i mean besides Y/n who has he really gotten with that actually meant something to him. Pansy said she genuinely didnt know why she went back to him, maybe because she felt bad but we were arguing so ease is just what she needed, it obviously didnt mean anything to her either." Blaise explained his part.

Suddenly i heard Y/n laugh. "Me? Mean something to Mattheo!? That's honestly fucking hilarious. I want to hear Dracos part in this." Y/n laughed.

"Pansy sucks, yeah sure but we already knew that right? Im on Y/ns side. Shes my sister and im glad. Yeah we argue and act all pissed at eachother but were twins and it would be pretty shitty if i had anyone else as a sister. Me and Y/n just click. We work. Yeah shes a bit of a whore but shes just trying to explore her options and its less of a risk to sleep around rather then getting hurt. And yeah shes going to be happy about having Mattheo on herside because theyre like me and Astoria. We hated eachother at first but look at it now? She cant get hurt because he'll get hurt too. The both of them will find eachother at the end of the day because they suit eachother. Even if he sleeps with Pansy and she gets with Lorenzo its all okay. There small bumps that can be smoothed out later." Draco gave his basic explanation.

To Y/n it was probably the most meaningful thing he's ever said to her. "Goodjob! See! that wasn't horrible. I mean the things said were a bit brutal. But it was honest. Im only disappointed in Pansy. But im not going to blame Y/n for anything, she's been trying and working hard." Astoria gave her side. Y/n leaned back letting me feel her back, "Do you want to stay in here?" She whispered in my ear. I pressed my thumb down on one of her pressure points, making her let out a shy scream of shock and turn over immediately to now straddle me.

"Mattheo Riddle!" She said while gripping my shoulders and sitting up on her calfs, I was too busy laughing.

[Y/ns Pov]

I was trying not to let a smile slide on my face, but it was so hard. "Y/n." A familiar voice said, both me and Mattheo looked to the side of the couch to see Amelia.

"Oh im so sorry sweetie! Its not what it looks like i swear! We were only having a.. tickle fight." I said while slowly getting off of Mattheo then squatting down to my knees infront of Amelia.

She smiled, "I thought you said you hated him." She seemed surprised. "Oh dont worry i still hate him, he's just crept up on my good side today." I smirked, "What about last night? You said you two needed to speak privately. Did he piss you off last night?" She asked.

"Okay that was a pretty bold word, but i guess you can say he was on my good side last night too." I assured her. "Well anyways guess what!!" Amelia smiled, "Whats up?" I asked.

She let out a giggle, "I apologized to Chelsy." She said calmly, but pretty happy. "Oh?" I looked at her mildly shocked. "Mhm! She said whatever but im pretty sure she was just overcomed with the joy." Amelia was proud of her actions, "Thats great! Right Mattheo? Thats great?" I looked over to Mattheo for his reassurance, "Oh thats just thrilling!" Mattheo acted for her.

"Here tell you what, how about you go up to my dorm room and look in my nightstand, theres going to be two bags, one is a uh.. just dont open it, its blue and white, dont open that one. The other one is grey, that has my secret stash of chocolate. You can have it." I smirked at her. She smiled, "Okay!!" She ran off to the dorms.

I turned around to see everyone smiling at me, "What?" I glanced at them, "Your like a whole different person around her." Pansy smirked. "Shes a kid. What did you want me to say?" I scoffed before sitting down. "Ooh speaking of such topic why dont we go to the dorms." Astoria glared at me and Pansy.

"She doesnt know." I mouthed to Astoria just before placing a finger over my mouth to shut up.
"Y/n Malfoy!" She heald me by my arm before walking up to the dorms with me.

Amelia walked past us with her stash of chocolate. Astoria shoved me in the dorm and slammed the door behind us. "Here. Your going to place this tablet in the toilet. Piss on it and if your pregnant it will show up blue and if your not then it will show up red." She handed me a clear tablet that had been in her night stand.

"Whatever." I scoffed, "Its going to look like i murdered someone in the toilet when i stand up tori!" I took the tablet with me to the bathroom to gesture it wasnt going to be blue.

I dropped the tablet in the toilet and began to pee, i kept my eyes on the wall. Please be red, please be red, i thought as i squinted my eyes while standing up and turning around to the toilet.
End of chapter 27! i hope you enjoyed! lmk if your confused, the next chapter will be interesting!! I should be writing and posting faster for the next week because of break.

Leave any thoughts here! The next chapter should be out soon or already is by the time you read this!!

Bye!~{1505 words}

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