Simple As That -Chapter 41-

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[Timeskip x Y/ns Pov]

"I hate you." I sat across from Mattheo. "Feelings are mutual." He kept a straight face. We were in the bathroom of our dorm. I was sitting on the bathroom sink and he was sitting in the tub.

How dare he call me desperate after having his hands on some other slytherin bitch? I mean really what was he even doing with her in the first place!? "Sandra is an old friend Y/n.  And seriously why are your panties in a twist? Didnt i prove to you just how important you are to me this morning? Or shall i give you another demonstration?" He let a smirk fall on his face.

"No. Maybe you should try your demonstration on sandra! Im sure she'd loooove that, hell she might aswell wrap her pretty little lips on your dick since you couldnt keep your eyes off of them!" My voice is raised by the end of my sentance.

Mattheo scoffed, "You know what maybe i will!" He raised his voice a bit. "Go ahead! It seems to be as simple as that!" I hopped off the sink and rushed out of the bathroom and dorm itself.

I was furious. How could he not only say such things but act the way he did?! He didnt even care if i were mad. He kind of just did it.. god i hate Mattheo. So now i was off on my way to see an old friend of my own.

I walked into Bartys new room. "Do you have anything to drink?" I asked before i shut the door to his office. "Lovely Y/n. Came to see a friend i see." He looked up from his office chair and smirked at me. "Indeed i did." I smirked.

"Hexed wine if youd like?" He asked, "Mm. I havent had some in a hot minute." I smiled as he handed me a glass.

I walked over to him whom was sitting in his office chair. He was himself right now, no Mr. Minkzer. I smirked before beginning to straddle him. "Ah. Y/n im your prefessor again. This is quite inappropriate." He smirked, "Shh." I mumbled, thinking back to this morning with Mattheo.

"Just once." I mumble again, now licking up his neck. I took another sip of wine and kissed him, "Let me use you just once." I insist, keeping a hand on the back of his head in his hair. "I want some of the fun too then." He smirked before lifting up my night shirt.

He stood up and pushed away his desk chair, i quickly took off my pants with my underwear as he did the same thing. After we stared at eachother for a moment we thrashed our lips together. He pushed me against his office table and pushed himself inside me, i let out a gasp in pleasure.

I havent had real sex in a while. He kept my legs in his hands so he was able to thrust into me. I hold tightly onto the damn desk and let my head fall back. This is exactly what ive been needing.

He keeps going quicker, "F-aster." I managed to get out. He keeps going, now at a faster pase. Now i could feel the knot in my stomach tightening. I moaned his name loudly as the white liquid seeped down my legs and desk.


Me and Barty were laying down in his makeshift room. "So whats new?" He asks, "Me and Mattheo got engaged." I tell him, "Seriously? You and Riddle? I could of sworn you absolutely hated him last time i saw you all." He said. "We still do. It was arranged of course." I said,

"Im sorry to here that." He says, i look up to him. I smirk and throw one of my legs over him, kissing down his bare chest. The scent of his cologne filled my nose. "Y/n. Its getting late." He insisted. "Fine. I have to go though. Thank you for your act of kindness professor." I smirked.

I jumped into my underwear and bra and then slid on one of his button ups. "Goodnight." He mumbles, "Goodnight." I say, now leaving.

This was bad. This was really bad. Yeah, i was pissed at Mattheo, but that leaves no room for me to cheat on him. With our new professor at that.

[Mattheos Pov]

Where the hell would she had of possibly ran off to? Yeah sure today has been a long day and i mightve not made it better but its been a couple hours and now i was laying on forest green silk sheets in a white button up that i didnt bother to button and a pair of black slacks.

"Mattheo?" She finally walked in. The moment i started feeling relieved, i felt disappointed. I was happy she was back of course, but she was wearing hardly anything rather then her black undergearment set and a white button up that wasnt buttoned up. This wasnt what she left in.

She stood in the middle of our dorm, just as disappointed as me. "Where were you?" I asked, realizing she had to have been in somebody elses pants. "I- im going to say goodnight to Amelia." She avoided answering me.

"Shes asleep already. Where were you?" I asked again, now glaring into her eyes. "I need to shower." She gives another excuse. "Y/n. Who were you with?" I ask, this time she stopped walking.

She turned back to me, clenching her hands into fists. I grasped her waist, before leaning in to kiss her neck, hickeys. Definitely not from me. I kissed in the crook inbetween her neck and shoulder.

I instantly moved back. I knew exactly who she was with, the scent that lingered on her neck was Bartys cologne. "Barty? You.. and.. Barty? Since when were you and barty a thing?" I felt repulsed.

"Since before i knew he was a deatheater Mattheo. We met at a bar, i knew he was older then me but he was drunk and so was i. The next morning Voldemort introduced us to him. Every now and then we run into eachother and have some fun. If one of us are having a bad day then we occasionally use eachother. Thats what happened Mattheo. I used him thats all." She explained, i could hear the guilt in her voice.

I know its just Y/n. Why do i feel like ive been cheated on? Were only engaged, nothing serious. I mean we occasionally hook up but we never discuss anything further. No.

"Okay. Take your shower. Say goodnight to Amelia. Do what youd please." I scoffed as i moved the sheets out of the way on the bed so i could move underneath them. 

I could hear her sigh, "Mattheo-" I cut her off, "You fucking whore!" I said without thinking.

End of Chapter 41!! I hope you enjoyed reading! Lmk what you think and if i should make the chapters longer. Im so so sorry for not updating quickly!! Im doing this in my free time!

Leave any thoughts here! The next chapter should be out soon or already is by the time you read this!

Bye!~{1217 words}

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