Chapter Twenty-Seven

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I gasped at the sight before me. I had never seen anything more beautiful in all my life.

Michael's skin held the most beautiful glimmer as the sunlight caressed his features. It was almost as if he was made of light, tiny rainbows glittered with each movement.

He was truly not of this world, but not in the way he was speaking of.


His eyes slowly shifted to the floor and he appeared nervous and withdrawn. I could honestly understand the fear within his heart, but he was truly beautiful. He sighed and shifted nervously as his hands moved to button his shirt.

I stopped him, holding his hands still of any further movement. An audible gasp escapes his parted lips as my fingertips push the silken material aside.

"Y/N," Michael breathed, as his eyes finally met mine.

"Please don't hide from me," I begged, tears evident in my voice. "You are absolutely gorgeous."

He sighed and allowed his hands to fall against his sides. The way the light moved in time with his movements was breathtaking. Michael was truly special, and I prayed to know the answer, regardless how long it would take him to explain.

Michael sighed and held my hand close against his heart, the rhythmic beat calm and soothing against my touch. After a long moment we met in a tender kiss, slow and soft our lips moved together, tender and understanding.

"I love you."

"I love you more," he whispered into our kiss, gazing deep into my soul. "There is no explanation as to why I am like this, the story is very difficult to understand. "

I pressed a finger to his lips. "Please don't rush yourself, I will wait for as long as it takes."

He smiled and let out a soft breath. "But–"

"No buts."

Michael wrapped me within his arms and sighed, where we remained for a long pause. I sighed and listened to his heart with each rise and fall of his chest. How could he envision himself as such a monster with such beauty? I longed to know, but respected the wait.

"I can't tell you just yet, I truly don't want to shock you more than you already are with everything."

"Nothing would scare me at this point, Michael." I replied.

He again drew a breath and sighed, pulling me ever closer against him, as we slowly slipped down onto the floor. Light glimmered all about his body, sparkles and rainbows adorned his body in the light of the rising sun. A pained look still remained within his eyes as he pulled me to meet his gaze.

"Are you sure about that?"

I nodded. "Absolutely positive."

Another sigh passed his lips. "I just don't know, Y/N."

"I will wait for as long as it takes, we have forever."

Another pained look glimmered within his gaze. It was almost as if he didn't agree with that.

"Things aren't as simple as it may seem, love."


"You need to be prepared before I even attempt to explain. I will ask Elizabeth and John to help, they can help explain a lot of things that I cannot."

I nod once more and set my ear upon his chest, taking in the precious sounds of his heart beat and deep breaths. As much as I longed for the truth, I could honestly say Michael has a point. Whatever the truth may be could very well put my mind into a state of shock.

Tiny rainbows flickered upon his chest as the sunlight kissed his chest with its gentle warmth. I splay my fingers above the beat of his heart and a faint moan escapes him. As I gaze up into his warm chocolate orbs I can see the look of concern deep within. A look of fear, as well.

"I wasn't always like this, as you may recall."

"I know. But even if you had been, my feelings would never change, Michael."

A solitary tear made its way down his cheek, and a weak smile tugged at his lips. After a long moment between us he claimed my mouth into another kiss, wrapping me tight against his chest.

I could not help but to allow a tear to fall from my eye as well, the love I hold now, and have always done so, will never falter nor waver. After decade upon decade apart, nothing would ever change that.

Michael sighed and pulled us ever closer, closing any distance that may exist between us. It felt as if we had become of one body, one heart, one soul. He shifted back just enough to be just a hair's width apart, his warm breath brushing over my lips as he smiled.

"Please never leave my side."

"I promise. I won't let anything break us apart ever again."

He smiled and lay his chin upon my head, another sigh passing his lips. Whatever was going through his mind must have affected him in ways still clouded in mystery. From what I could recall, Michael rarely thought this deeply. It was almost concerning, but I knew deep within my heart that everything would be ok and be revealed in time.

Despite what he said, I truly felt that we had forever to figure things out.

At least I prayed we would have forever.

I would not be able to bear losing him again.

Specks of light danced about the room as we sat quietly in the silence, simply taking in the presence of one another.

"I've loved you for what seems like a thousand years, Michael. And I'll love you for a thousand more."

His body trembled slightly, his hands moving to pull me into a kiss which nearly took both our breaths away. I truly meant that, and I could truly feel that he felt the same way.

Never again would I ever leave his side. 

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