Part Four

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This time she went for the phone, and she got it. I just turned around so I wouldn't have to see her reaction. I felt warm arms wrap around me as she wispered

"I'm so sorry" I stood there for a second. Then said,

"L-lets go"

"yeah," She said, as she led me to her house I realized that we were going the same way I'd walk to my house. When we got there I saw that her house was right in front of mine.

"Well, home sweet home, pretty nice. Though I don't really like the people in the house behind me; they have parties, like every night." Of course. She opened the door

"Edaline, I'm home!" she yelled acrose the house. A young woman who looked about theirdy came out of a room. I assumed she was Edaline, she had auburn hair and ocean blue eyes (ha she has, "ocean eyes") "Hello Sophie, and you are. ? ."

"oh, I'm Keefe" I said with a shy wave.

"Here, I'll take you to my room" Sophie led me to her room, and, surprisingly, it didn't have a whole lot of personal stuff, kinda like mine. But it was a mess, then Sophie said, "Ugh, Iggy rampaged my room" I got the time to say

"Who's Ig-" before I got knocked to the ground by a. . . . Bulldog? And then, who I assumed was Iggy, started licking my face. Sophie started clapping her hands to move the dog's attention off me.

Or well, I thought that was why, but then she said, "Good job Iggy, you knocked him down this time. You didn't get past Dex last time he came over." I sighed and said

"Soo. . . that's Iggy I guess"

"Yep sure is" For the next few hours, we got to know each other a lot better.

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