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Ugh, I have a plot twist, but I need you to get atached to the charicters before I can write it ugh

As I was walking to class I heard people wispering behind my back, and I thought it was me, but it was those song twins they were talking about. Yet when lunch came, they were sitting with all the popular kids. Keefe was sitting there too, so I walked over

"Oh, hey Foster" Keefe said to me as I was nearing the table.

"H-hi" I managed to say, a few people at the table gave me knowing looks. I sat next to a girl with a orange ruffle shirt with ripped jeans.

"So, someones got a cruusshhh" she wispered into my ear, I glared at her and wispered harshly back

"Just shut up" She just laughed as Biana threw out the idea that we should all intoduce ourselves, we went in the table order

"I'm Biana, 16, I play Volyball, and I dance" said Biana

"I'm Tam" Said Tam

"Come on Tammy, say a little more" said Lihn

"I'm Tam, and don't mess with me" said Tam without any change in his voice

"Well, you already know me Foster" Keefe said dramaticly

"I'm Marella, and I secretly sell prom dresses"

" I'm Wylie, and I don't live with my family"

"I'm Lihn, and I try to get Tam to get me a peeettttt"

"I'm Sophie, and I have an older sister, which is. .. . cool, I guess"\

"LET'S HAVE A GROUP SLEEPOVER" yelled Biana, all the others agreed, but I groaned

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