𝘢𝘶𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘳𝘴 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘦

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Author's note
• Welcome back! This is the official sequel to Fate Wheel, if you haven't read that then please do so otherwise this book won't make any sense😅. Parallel Lines concludes Sasuke's journey for vengeance as well as the final showdown between the Oogami and the rest of the Shinobi world😼. I plan for this book to be roughly around 60 chapters (I would probably go above that number💀), also I'm very excited to be writing this book— I've had this planned for a while now. Before reading this fanfic I'd like to make a few things clear:

1) I'm not a professional writer and my depiction of the anime and its characters are, clearly, very much different. I would appreciate if my characters aren't stolen!

2) This fanfic has taken an alternative route from the original plotline of the anime, if you do not like the invention of an AU (although, it wouldn't have made sense for you to make it this far if you didn't), then you are free to leave. I put a lot of time into creating the whole Ankoku/Hinode timeline (which will be further explored in the prequel, Annihilate!) and there will be new characters to come.

3) As I'd mentioned previously, I like to focus around character development/growth and flaws. There's no perfect character in my book, everything isn't black and white, just (50) shades of grey. With that being said, I'd also like to mention that there is a 5 year (roughly) time skip and Sasuke is 23 years old.

4) This book will contain triggering topics as followed: possible mature scenes, drugs and substance abuse, gore, violence, death, grief, severe PTSD, human trafficking.

5) I made the little graphic banners below, but the images I compiled together are all from Pinterest.

5) Votes and comments are greatly appreciated, teehee. Also, DO NOT READ THIS BOOK IF YOU HAVENT READ FATE WHEEL, it contains a shit ton of spoilers and will ruin the overall experience (duh).

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Copyright © megumiiseyelashes 2023

The Naruto franchise does not belong to me, it belongs to Masashi Kishimoto. All forms of this publication may not be reproduced or plagiarised in any form, this includes websites or real life text.

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—> Arc I | Ruination
—> Arc II | Uprising
—> Arc III | Downfall

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