Largo II

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Well, it could have been worse. I took the stairs down to the first floor. I guess I'd better go get my books. I let out a deep sigh as I pushed open the main entrance. To my surprise Brett and Eddy sat on the corner of the stairs laughing together. I stopped in my tracks, unsure how to address them. They turned, Eddy smiled and gave a little wave. "Hey, ready to head home?" They both stood and stepped towards me.
"Umm... actually I wasn't headed home."
"Oh! See, we knew you'd make friends."
"Oh, no! It's nothing like that. I just need to get some books... for class."
"Ahh! Well, in that case, we'll tag along."
"Okay. But only because you walked all the way here without asking."
"Mhmmm. Just admit it."
"Admit what?"
"That you're warming up to us."
I looked at Eddy. He gave me a coy grin as Brett walked next to him, watching his feet take turns hitting the pavement."
"It's okay. You don't have to say anything. I know that you secretly like us." Eddy winked at me and I averted my gaze. "Wait... do you even know where the bookstore is?"
"No. I thought you did."
"No. We've been following you this whole time!"
"What? I've been following you!" I gestured to the boys unable to prevent a small laugh from escaping my throat.
Eddy's laughter was boisterous like roaring waves. But Brett's laugh reminded me of Spring. Of course Eddy took charge of the situation and got us back in the right direction. Him manning the map left Brett and I walking silently side by side. I felt like their was an unspoken understanding sitting in between us. If something can go unspoken, it rarely passes through my lips and I get the impression that Brett may be the same way. That will make keeping my secret much easier.
   "So, how was your first day of school?" Brett appeared to be a little uncomfortable being in charge of the conversation.
   "It was fine." I shrugged.
   "Do you like your professors?"
   "Yeah. They're all very talented and seem very smart. That's really all I care about."
   "I see."
   "I know that it sounds bad. But I didn't come here to make friends. I came here to get a good education. That's all I mean."
   "So you don't care if they're strict?"
   "Not really."
   "Wow, that's great! When Eddy and I were in Uni we'd always get pretty stressed if our professors were too strict or too harsh."
   "Yeah, especially Eddy."
   "That's surprising."
   "Really? Why's that?"
   "You guys just seem so chill and relaxed. You seem like nothing could ever get to you."
   "That's definitely not true. We try to be. But we definitely get stressed. But then again, people aren't always what they seem."
   "No. They're not."
   "Víola!" I present to you, the bookstore!" Eddy dramatically gestured to the bookstore.
   "You're not too bad with a map."
   "Thanks! Now let's get you you're books so we can all head home."
   "You guys don't have to stay with me if you'd rather just go home."
   "And leave you here alone? No way. Plus we'd be too worried about you walking home all alone."
   "Okay. Thanks, I guess."
   "You guess?"
   "Yeah, I guess." I shrugged as Eddy opened the door for us.
   "You're welcome, I guess." Brett gave me a shy smirk triggering a great deal of unwanted butterflies.
   With Brett and Eddy's help finding my books was a sinch. Thank goodness they were there to show help me count out the change too. That would have been a nightmare. The walk home was nice too. We made plans to go furniture shopping this weekend before the semester got too busy. Eddy asked how I liked the casserole. I loved the effort that they put into it. But I lied about how amazing it was. I didn't want to hurt their feelings. The truth is, despite my resolve to keep to myself, I really do like hanging out with the boys. As long as I don't let them get too close.
   After about a twenty minute walk, we arrived at my apartment. "Well, here you are!" Eddy was so adorable with his hands in his pockets.
   "Thanks guys."
   "No problem! Same time tomorrow?"
   " What?"
   "Well, I figured we should walk you school until you get the route memorized."
   "Oh, if you want to."
   "Cool! Then we'll see you tomorrow!"
   "See you tomorrow I guess."
   I watched as they walked towards the elevator. I needed to be careful with those to. They're the type that makes you feel like you can tell them anything. They're the type that makes you want to tell them everything. But they absolutely can never find out about me.

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