Joel Miller - Sarah...

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"We're not sick" Joel called out to the soldier in front of us. The man's gun was pointing right at me and my family. I lifted my right arm and held onto Joel's arm. "Please just help us" I begged the man. A gun shot filled my ears, my heart sinking deep into my stomach. My grip on Joel's arm released as he fell behind me. "NO!" I cried out in fear. Before the soldier could shoot me I threw myself over the hill towards Joel and Sarah.

My head started to pound heavily as I looked from Joel to Sarah, the both of them with blood covered shirts. Tears poured out of my eyes as a loud sob left my lips. I immediately went to Sarah who was laying a couple feet from Joel. "Sarah! Sarah!" I cupped her cheeks "Open your eyes baby!" I pressed my hands against her side, she winced and my whole body felt slightly relieved.

"Please-" I heard Joel's voice crack out. My head shot to my right where I saw the solder pointing his gun right at me. Another gunshot rung through my ears. As the solder fell in front of me Tommy appeared from behind him. I shot my head back towards Sarah. Her eyes filled with tears as she softly gripped my arm. "Joel!" I sobbed. Joel was already sitting up and quickly making his way over to me and Sarah. Joel scooped his arms under Sarah's neck and legs.
Sarah cried out in pain; she placed her hand on her stomach. Joel lifted her pink shirt and uncovered a gunshot in her abdomen. More tears began to cloud my eyes as fear and guilt clouded my head. I sat on my knees staring at Joel as he cried with Sarah in his arms. My heart shattered into tiny pieces as I watched my daughter slip away.

"We have to go" Tommy broke the static noise in my ears. I looked up at him with red, puffy eyes. "We can't just leave her" I shook my head "we can't leave her here". Tommy looked away towards the buildings over the hill. "Those things are going to start moving, we need to." Tommy tried to explain. A loud sob left my lips as I hung my head low. "Please god, take me instead-"

Joel lifted my head by my chin, he looked into my eyes deeply. "Don't say that" he softly spoke "I can't lose you either". Tears fell from his cheeks as he looked at me. I softly nodded my head as I looked back into his eyes. "We have to go" I could sense the tension between Joel and himself as he tried to be strong for me. "We have to go before they get us too"

I quickly bent over and kissed Sarah's forehead for a couple seconds before sitting back up. "I love you baby girl" I pressed another kiss upon her forehead before standing up. The pain inside of my chest was so much that it felt numb.

Joel gently laid Sarah back down onto the grass. I looked up from my daughter. Joel licked his lip as he sniffed in. "We have to go" Joel held his hand out to me. My bottom lip quivered as I grabbed his soft hand. I looked down at Sarah as Joel and I stood up.

Tears fell from my eyes as I walked around her body. Nothing felt real, as if I was in a horrible nightmare and I'll wake up any second. Joel wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me into his side. Tommy stayed silent, yet his cheeks were covered in his glossy tears.

"Where do we even go now?" I bit my bottom lip to try and reduce my sobs. "Anywhere but here" Tommy finally spoke.

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