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the moon will sing - the crane wives

↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺ 1:24 ───ㅇ──── 3:40

volυмe : ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇▉


to prosper or succeed especially through chance or good fortune.

"you speek 英語.. english, yes?"

nodding, you muttered a small affirmation. you weren't quite sure what confirming that would do, especially because the older lady was struggling with basic words.

without further notice, she turned away, holding a palm out to stop you from following her out of the room. when she returned, she held a thick tome of yellowing paper bound shut with a strip of leather. it was an old looking book of sorts, the spine being of a brownish, coarse leather. she handed it to you and pointed at the front of it.

'an english and japanese, and japanese and english vocabulary? what a long name.. written by Walter H. Medhurst..'

dusk was approaching and after dinner with the women of the home, you returned to the room you had been assigned. deciding that since, for the forseeable future, you were stuck in japan, you would learn as much of the language as you could.

pulling out the book, you flipped open to the first page.

'The following compilation is with diffidence offered to the public, principally because the author has never been to Japan, and has never had an opportunity of conversing with the natives: but having through the kindness of several gentlemen from Japan, obtained the sight of some native books, particularly in the Japanese and Chinese character combined, the author has been enabled, from his knowledge of the latter language, to compile the following vocabulary'

continuing on with your reading, you learnt some basic phrases and directional words. you skimmed through pages, devouring information you deemed helpful, directions and questions.

by the time you had finished your study session, it was dark. looking out of the open shoji door, your breath hitched in your throat.

the moon was beatiful.

more beautiful than you could ever remember.

it called to you in the most hypnotising way. a warm and comforting feeling settled over you as you shifted onto your feet, the book still in hand. you slipped yoriichi's haori on as you stepped closer to the raised floor overlooking the garden.


"外, to see the 月.."

your spectre companion frowned, following you outside onto the engawa. he knelt next to you, following your gaze to the waning crescent moon.


he breathed out the word, looking at your still form. your breath slipped out in clouds, your face frozen in awe at the clear sky.

oh how you loved the moon, the night, the peace it brought to you.

you and yoriichi sat in silence, admiring the night sky together for a while. until he decided it was getting too cold for you to stay out any longer.

he stood up in one fluid motion, holding a hand out to help you up.

pulling you to your feet, he tugged you into the room, reaching to slide the door closed. he phased through it and turned to you sheepishly.

chuckling, you reached out to close the sliding door, but as you did, you froze. there was someone outside, just past the fenced perimeter of the garden. your breath hitched as three sets of eyes locked onto your figure.


slamming the door shut, you started pacing back and forth across your room. whatever that was, it was definitely not human, and it knew you were there. though the only thing you could think to do was ignore yoriichi's concerned questions and lie down on your futon.

you shut your eyes tight, praying to whatever divine force there was that you were just imagining things because you were tired, and pulled the covers up to your chin.

it seemed luck was on your side as you drifted off to sleep rather easily, safe under the watchful gaze of your new found companion. 

though, it seemed you were the only one sleep had claimed as yoriichi stared at the shoji door. he too knew you were being watched, and he couldn't help but think it was his fault for being careless enough to give her his haori. he hadn't forseen something like this happening, especially not a demon tracking his scent.

he looked down at you, his gaze softening slightly. he would leave his worries until the morning, when you were awake and smiling at him again. his hand reached out to stroke your hair, a ghost of a smile blessing his face. 

he would do his best to protect this foreign teen.

hiya, I'm awfully sorry for being inactive as often as I am. my laptop is old and bugs out a lot, usually taking months to recouperate. for those of you who are new, welcome! and for those of you who were here before the rewrite, please let me know if you prefer this over the old one, I can always revert to my old chapters. I just wanted to say thanks for reading my book I guess, and I'm so sorry that I don't update frequently. that's all, thankssss x

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28 ⏰

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