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{ Ivy denim James )📍 home 📍this morning I got an in coming call from " my girly💗 ! " , i was in the middle of taking pictures but so what it was my girl Sa'myraaaa !

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{ Ivy denim James )
📍 home 📍
this morning I got an in coming call from " my girly💗 ! " , i was in the middle of taking pictures but so what it was my girl Sa'myraaaa !

as i answered the phone she yelled , " IVYYYY I FOUND US A FUCKING  TWO MAN BITCH AND THEY WANT TO MEET TODAY ! "

" bitch no fucking way " , I said setting my phone up surprised as it was a FaceTime call

" yes the fuck way bitch , now get ready I'll be coming to get you by 2 " sa'myra said smiling more excited then I was myself

Me and Sa'myra have been bestfriends since we were three , our moms were bestfriends and it past on too us , so for this to be our first two man tg I knew how excited she was

" okay I'll be ready ! " I said smiling into the phone as my white pearly teeth showed

" okayy ! Bye girly " , Sa'myra said as she kissed the phone and hung up

at the time it was 12:45 , I had a little bit of time and I lot to do so you know I had to get to it very quickly !

first I got out of my bed and fixed it grabbing a outfit out for the day , ( the outfit in the picture ^ ) , after I've gotten something out to my liking i walked into my bathroom clapping as the bright bathroom lights turned on

i was so nervous but excited all at one time , I had butterflies , I was overthinking , what if he was ugly ? , what if he was so fine but treated me poorly , so many different emotions at one time !

as I turned the water on I stripped out of my clothes as i made sure phat ma down there still was bald ( iykyk )

as I got into the shower I washed my body multiple times making sure that boujie cotton candy scent stuck onto me

after about 30 minutes of being in the shower i had gotten out drying off as I wrapped my towel around my body

while having my towel on I started doing my makeup after mastering it that only took about 15 to 20
Mintues after that I got ready but the hard part was finding shoes !

Sa'myra ended up pulling up a little early to help me , she picked out these pretty white sandals that went perfectly so ... I ended up going with them ! , we were meeting at the mall so yk it's about to go down !

 I ended up going with them ! , we were meeting at the mall so yk it's about to go down !

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after a couple mintues of chatting me and Sa'myra slid down stairs walking outside getting into her baby blue royals royce , me and sa'myra have the same music taste which is the best part of riding with her !

as sa'myra got onto the interstate i connected to Bluetooth and played Jupiters diary by rod wave , it was just something about that song me and sa'myra both loved so much

" And I'll spend my lifetime
Sendin' paper airplanes to the moon
Praying they get to you
I'll spend my lifetime
Sending paper airplanes to the moon
Praying they get to you "

Me and sa'myra sung our hearts out as we sung and sung playing the same song over and over until we got to the mall ! , I was so nervous I didn't know what to expect sa'myra on the other hand was so ready all I could do was smile !

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