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"Geezums," Lyla groans, "Where are they? We're going to be late."

Gunner scoffs, "Probably getting spicy in the bedroom. Did ya hear? They're sleeping together again."

I glare at my teammate, "You know that's almost definitely not true. Just because they're sleeping together doesn't mean they're sleeping together, sleeping together. They never did that before. And Angel can't stand for anyone to touch him. They're probably just sleeping in."

"I've done some reading on PTSD," Lyla chimes in again, "Did you know that some people with PTSD can have textile hallucinations?"

"The word you're looking for there is tactile." The three of us jump at the sound of Julie's voice, "But good effort."

If it were anyone else I would have thought the comment to be sarcastic, but Julie was never sarcastic. Plus, she gave Lyla a small, tired smile that seemed to be encouraging. I worry Gunner is going to make another inappropriate comment about Julie and Angel's relationship, but he knows enough to keep his mouth shut. Julie is an amazing person, but she doesn't take any crap about her and Angel's relationship. Especially since he was tortured.

Angel walks in moments later, right before the silence becomes awkward. He looks even more exhausted than Julie, somehow. No one knew why she wasn't taken the night Angel was captured. They were in the same room, as always, but she woke up alone with a pounding headache from the gas that was used to keep her and Angel unconscious. Angel woke up, tied up, with cuts covering his body. The running theory was that the villain couldn't carry both of them, so he went for the team leader.

I don't think Julie ever forgave herself for not being able to save Angel from the torture he endured. I also don't think it ever crossed Angel's mind to blame Julie. Or anyone. We didn't know he was missing until the next night when he didn't show up for bed and Julie reported it to HQ. It had just so happened that we had the day off that day. Julie was worried she was getting sick- because of the headache that wouldn't go away- and spent most of the day in the medical unit to be sure whatever it was wasn't contagious.

"Alright, team, we have our usual patrol today. You know the drill. Don't do anything stupid and get yourself hurt and don't leave your station unless absolutely necessary, heard?"

"Heard," the four of us echo in response.

I turn to pick up my equipment bag and meet Lyla's eyes for a moment. They're slightly troubled and I know why. Angel's voice sounds weaker and weaker every day. We have an eight-hour patrol, and our team captain is barely able to keep himself upright. Not that I hold anything against him. Angel is an amazing team captain and always has been. But, in the eleven months since his capture, he's not been sleeping or eating well, and his mental health is less than perfect. As far as I knew he hadn't ever done anything to hurt himself (even the thought of Angel doing something like that to himself made me sick to my stomach) but that didn't mean he was healthy.

And poor Julie. She's tried so hard to take care of him. If it were up to me, neither one of them would ever have to worry about being in a dangerous position ever again.

I feel the uneasiness take over me as I toss my pack over my shoulder.

"Hey, Angel, do you want to request the day off to rest? We've been on patrol every day this week. I'm kind of tired."

I hide a smile at Lyla's request. She always makes sure her requests to help Angel seem more like requests to help her.

Angel considers the request for a moment then frowns, "I haven't been overworking you, have I?"

"No, no, no," Lyla amends, "I could work today but I know tomorrow isn't optional, it being a weekend and all, so I think it would be more responsible for us if we didn't even risk overworking ourselves."

The slightest of smiles works its way onto Angel's face at Lyla's awkward rambling, "I'll see what I can do."

Angel isn't stupid. He had likely figured out what Lyla was planning the moment she suggested it. However, again, Angel isn't stupid. He knows his limits; he knows he is pushing them and has been since he got back from medical leave. He wants a distraction- no, he needs a distraction. Work has been that distraction. He can't trust himself in most normal circumstances, not with his power. So, despite the health risks, he has continued taking the power-reducing drugs for fear of hurting someone in a moment of panic. Angel's ability, the ability to draw water out of anything, whether it be dead or alive, is obviously deadly. If he weren't so drugged throughout his capture, it would have been nothing to turn the villain into a lifeless husk.

It was easy to kill someone by dehydration; impossible to give that life back.

Julie's power was considered just as terrifying. She could harden air into a solid substance. She literally froze oxygen. She was immune to the freezing temperatures of her ability, but others were not. If her victim wasn't killed when she solidified the oxygen in their lungs, they would when the substance froze them from the inside out. The rest of the team didn't have powers that came close to their devastation. She could do more than freeze but that was her attack of choice. I have levitation, more helpful in search and rescue than offense. Lyla can harden parts of her body to be nearly invincible, but only parts like an arm or the front of her torso. Gunner can turn parts of his body into a mirror-like substance to reflect and amplify any light, whether it be from the sun or artificial light.

Our team has an impressive array of offensive and defensive. Technically, Julie and Angel are considered too overpowered to be on the same team, but they weren't comfortable being separated when they were younger, and no one was going to try to tear them apart after they had gotten training.

Both Julie and Angel were from Mexico originally and had been friends for as long as they could both remember. They were sent to this training facility when their powers had been classified as class five. A class five was the most powerful of individuals. It always made me mad when Gunner or anyone else made a comment about their closeness and how it must mean they were having sex. I don't think there's nothing between them, but I also don't think it's my business. It will be my business if I ever feel their relationship would put me in danger in the field.

"Gavinn. Gavinnn!"

I jump back to reality when I hear Lyla calling my name.

"What? Sorry."

My friend shakes her head, "We've got the day off. Are you okay? You've kind of been staring off into space for about thirty minutes. Everyone else has left."

"Oh. Sorry. Yeah, I'm going." I glance around, wondering at why she stayed when everyone else left.

"Um.. I was wondering if you wanted to go get something to eat or ice cream or something. I love ice cream and I can't remember the last time I had it. I would ask Gunner but he's kind of mean a lot of the time."

I chuckle at my friend's awkward attempt to ask me out, "Of course, Lyla. Let's drop this," I gesture at my bag of supplies, "off at my room and then we can go."

The taller girl grins happily. She chatters excitedly and walks with me to my room.

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