Chapter 7

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Sorry it took such a long time to write this. I have been very busy with things at home and I just plain had writers block. I know I already told you more then half the story is done but I came the to conclusion that it wasn't good enough so I'm adding things to it. I started a new story called Electric Love to help with getting rid of my writer's block for this story. Check it out if you like this. Again please feel free to comment, vote and like this.


Cullen's POV

I walked into my new home. There were still boxes sitting around the rooms waiting to be unpacked. Not that I would be doing them anytime soon. Walking toward the kitchen, I heard voices mumbling, not quite loud enough for me to hear. As I walked in, Grace, my “mom”, and Sam broke apart quickly. As though that did not make things look even more obvious.

I have known that Sam had a thing for Grace for a couple years now. And the other way around as well. But they were both hesitant. I know the Father would only bless such a union, as Grace will be fully instated as an angel when my need for her is done. Yet they both hesitate. I smiled at the smile blush rising on Grace's face.

“How was your first day?” she asked me, trying not to look guilty. I smiled at her attempt. She was never good at keeping secrets or telling lies. Probably had something to do with being a specifically chosen by the Father. Her face was mock excitement and a little pained. I was never allowed into her mind unless she let me. It was a defense all Earthly hosts were given. If they were chosen to become a host then they were given the thickest mental blocks.

“It went well. As you know,” I looked at Sam, who was smiling at Grace's obvious discomfort, “I found my prophet. The only problem is I can't get into her mind.”

Sam's smile disappeared. I knew not being able to get into my prophets mind was bad. The point of being a guardian angel is to intercept your person before the bad decisions and suggest an alternate decision. All done within the mind. How was a guardian to do this when he could not get into their mind.

I turned and looked at Grace, who was standing quietly to the side. She knew something but I would never guilt her into telling me. Glancing back to Sam, I saw as he took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

“I can only give you a few pieces of information, Cullen. The Father will have it no other way. Free will and all.” He said with a flick of the hand. Sam was one that always liked to know what was happening. He did not like surprises. He would rather have every thought, idea, and action preplanned. “First of all, He” he points toward the sky, “knows the situation and it's as how He wants it. Second, you have two paths you can follow. Both could lead to heartache. Only one leads to happiness. Choose carefully because this is how you'll be spending the rest of your existence. The third is a warning. Evil is lurking around. Pay attention to those around you and the girl. Lastly, He has a personal message to you. 'When you feel doubt, follow your heart. And never lose faith.'”

“Why the riddles Sam? Why can you not tell me anything straight out.?” I asked. I hated when he spoke this way.

“That is how the Father wanted me to say it.” He nodded to me then spoke again “The last warning comes from me, Cullen. Never over think things. If you feel it is right then just go for it. She is a lot stronger then you will ever know.” The last words were directed at Grace. With that Sam unfurled his wings light yellow wings, stretching them outwards and disappeared.

“Wow! No matter how many times I see him do that, it never fails to amaze me.” I heard the awe in Grace's voice but at the moment I didn't care. I was never so confused in my life.

I turned to Grace, who was staring at the spot Sam had disappeared from. Smiling, I walked over to her and gently pushed her jaw up and hugged her. The last part of his warning sank in. “You are in awe because he shows off for you. He does not need his wings spread to leave as he did.” I smiled and winked down at her. “And from what I can see, he might be waiting the next few years for you.”

“Oh Cullen, I can only hope. As I do my best to hope you find this as well.” she smiled and I knew what she was talking about.

God took pity on his angels that dealt mostly on Earth. They had developed human emotions were the other angels had not. The Father allowed those angels on Earth to find their other half. A soul mate. The angels were grateful and though it is rare for them to actually find the right person, it is an amazing thing. An angel's soul mate will be with them for all eternity. When the angel finds its mate, they must go through a claiming. This means they must say vows to each other in front of one of the Heavenly Host.

I could only hope for such a thing to happen. To have someone to love forever? It would be the greatest thing to me. But it also set me on edge. What would I do if I found her? I'm a guardian of light. I follow my prophet until the end of time.

“Don't look so glum, Cullen.” Grace said, giving me a small hug, “You'll figure it out.”

I sighed and turned toward the door. “I'm going out. I need to think and you know the only way I can do that is open space.”

I walked out the back door and jogged into the woods behind my house. There was a clearing only a few hundred yards into it. Big enough to stretch out completely and fly around. My wings locks hurt. It had been too long since I allowed my wings out.

I unfurled my wings the second I entered the clearing. Spreading them as wide as they would go and taking flight. The euphoria rushing through my veins helping to relax my mind. I flew around the clearing a bit before expanding to the horizon. I only wanted to check on my prophet. I had no other means then creep about her house.

I flew over the town, blending into the night until I spotted her car. The small subdivision of house was quite impressive. Must be a rich part of town I thought, lowering myself to gaze through the windows. McKayla's house was quite we designed on the inside. Probably professionally done. I found her window at the bottom of the house. I was a small narrow window into the basement I presumed. Leaning down, I spotted the lump on her bed. As I was looking at her, her eyes opened sleepily locking onto mine. I didn't know if she was actually seeing me but I willed her to go back to sleep. She rolled onto her back and closed her eyes again. I was about to leave when I saw movement again. I saw someone lean over her to brush the hair off her face. The person then gently kissed her forehead and laid back down. With their head now facing the window, I caught sight of their face. It was Darren, her best friend and possibly her love.

The thought of the two of them together tore me apart. I wanted to hit something. I wanted to hit him. I did not know why though. I just felt rage pour through me. Probably because she was my prophet. I was trained to protect her with my very existence. I shot up into the air and sped home. It almost felt like I had lost my mind when I saw them in bed together. Lost my control over my thoughts.

I landed in the clearing and ran the rest of the way home, folding my wings back in as I went. I stalked through the house like a cage feral cat. I didn't understand the feelings I was getting.

“Why are you so upset?” I heard and turned quickly to see Grace watching me. I never really lost my temper before. At least not while here with her.

“It's nothing. Just dealing with feelings I'm not used to.” I said hoping she'd take the hint. I didn't really feel like talking about it.

“Well if you ever need a ear to listen to those problems you just give me a shout.” she said walking back towards her room.

I walked back to my room and laid down to sleep. I still had school in the morning. As I was laying there I came to one conclusion. McKayla is my prophet. In order to be as much of a guardian as I could, I needed to have ready access to her. This brought about my conclusion. I needed to make McKayla fall out of love with Darren and in love with me.

Guardians of Light: CullenWhere stories live. Discover now