Chapter 2

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•After School•

I was walking home while listening to music. The reason Jasmine isn't walking home with me is because her mom had got into a car accident and she had to be there with her. I told her I was going with her but she suggested I stay. I just hope her mom is ok. her mom is like my mom. she's been there for me every since my parents died.

•At Home•

When I got home, threw my bag on the floor, jumped on the couch and got on my phone. I was scrolling through Instagram until I had got a phone call.

•Phone Convo•

Dani: Hello

???: Hey Danielle um this is Chresanto

Dani:oh hey Chres

Chres:I um needed your address so that we can do our project

Dani:oh my address is Mindless Rd 784

Chres: oh ok, I'll see you in a little bit

Dani: ok

•End Of Phone Convo•

After our conversation, I went into the kitchen to get something to eat. I pulled a bag of grapes, put them in a bowl, sat on the couch and ate them. Tbh I'm kind of excited to have Chres come over and do this project with me. no not to make Erica jealous, it's just that he seems like a cool person to be around. and he's so sexy🔥😍. But I'm not trying to be in relationships because that's just too much drama. A couple of minutes later I heard the bell ring. I got up and went to open the door and there was the amazing Chresanto.

"Hey Chresanto"

"Hey Danielle, um can I come in"

"Oh yeah sure"

I moved out the way and let him in. he walked in and sat on the couch.

"Would you like something to drink"

"Um a water would be fine"


I went into the kitchen and got him a water bottle. I went back into the living room and gave it to him

"Here you go"


"Your welcome"

I sat down next to him and we started to to plan out our project.

•After There Planning•

"We are really gonna get a good grade on this project" he chuckled

"Yea we really are"

"So Danielle tell me about yourself"

"Well um I'm 14 years old and I'm very smart and nice to people, now tell me about you mr.august"

"Well I'm 17 years old I'm a smart boy, nice to people too and looking for someone that I can be in a committed relationship with"

"Aww that's cute" I said smiling. Chres doesn't really seem like the player type.

"Well it's just how I am"

I laughed. me and Chres continued our conversation. Chres is a really funny guy.

"Well I think it's time for me to go"

"Oh ok"

We got up and walked to the front door

"So I'll see you tomorrow"


He gave me a hug and walked out the house. After he left I got on my phone and decided to call Jasmine

•Phone Convo•


Dani💍❤️😘:Hey Jasmine it's me Danielle

Jas💍🔥❤️: Oh hey Danielle

Dani💍❤️😘:how's mommy doing

Jas💍🔥❤️: she's doing ok, still in a lot of pain but doing ok

Dani💍❤️😘: oh well her that I love her and I hope she gets better

Jas💍🔥❤️: I will, but hey I gotta call you back the doctors gotta tell me something

Dani💍❤️😘: ok love you sissy

Jas💍🔥❤️: I love you too

•End Of Phone Convo•

After that, I went upstairs to go take my shower. after I got out the shower I put on my pajamas and went in my room to get ready for bed. but before I did I got on my knees and said my prayers

"Dear God, please tell my Mom and Dad that I love them and miss them. I love you too god because you died on the cross for me and I couldn't thank you enough for it. and please let ms.Villegas get better. and please make this bullying stop. in Jesus name, Amen"

After I was done, I got into my bed and thought about everything. I want my whole life to change, I don't wanna be bullied anymore, I want this cutting problem gone, I want jasmine's mom to get better. I just want everything to get better.

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