artists note

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        im sorry i haven't been updating my art as much any more, i HAVE the art its just bc my service is shit and i have to wait HOURS for it to load so i can publish it.  or i just never have the motivation i used to, and rn with my school work im having a hard time and it drains me along with the people i go to high school with.

or my mental health is just shitty (like all the time 💀) and I've been trying to get better with it but its just been draining me more and i have to deal with irl drama all the time and i cant seem to keep out of it without someone fuckin draggin me in and giving me more problems, stress, and ofc anxiety, as you know i have extreme anxiety so that dont help my shit. but its high school so its usual as you would know.
but that's why, love you guys ❤(ofc platonic tf you thinking 🧐?)

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