Year 3: Obliviate

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"The obliviate spell," Professor Hwang scribbled the words on the board, pointing and emphasizing it. "The Memory Charm, also known as the Forgetful Charm. This spell is used to erase specific memories from a person's mind, and it could be an event..." Professor Hwang took a pause in the middle of the sentence, glaring at some students who weren't listening. "Perhaps the existence of a certain individual," he finishes.

Hanni's ears perked up from what he said. She raised her head and looked over at him. She furrowed her eyebrows together, wanting to know the details of the spell. Just like that, her full attention was absorbed in what the Professor had to say.

"These spells are often used when a muggle has seen or witnessed anything related to the wizarding world," he explained.

From the corner of Hanni's eyes, she could see that Minji was startled from how fast she whipped her head earlier.

Yes, it was another year of Kim Minji sitting beside Hanni. Unfortunately, that wasn't the only class she sat beside her in. Hanni ignored the startled Minji beside her, and focused all of her attention towards the front. Minji's startled look faltered as she faced back towards the front.

Hanni thought about Min and how he could have potentially used the Memory Charm on her.

She became more confused. How would an eleven year old know this charm and use it? She stopped thinking about it temporarily as she was getting side-tracked from the lesson.

"However, if this charm has been performed improperly..." he paused once again midway, looking over and making eye contact with Hanni.

Did she do something wrong? Why was he looking at her?

"It can cause brain damage, and it will be intensely difficult to recover from it." The Professor looked away, "I once had a student perform this spell. They succeeded in the end, but that's not what this is about. Their first try was improper. Although they received severe brain damage, they continued anyway. This particular person attempted a second time and succeeded," she shared.

"This student still studies at the school..." He took a deep breath in and exhaled out, "and the person he used it on, well—they're sitting in this classroom with us." When Professor Hwang revealed such information, all Hanni could think about was Min.

Did he actually use the charm on me?

She heard some students gasping from what Professor Hwang said, they were in shock to hear about this. People were murmuring about who would erase someone's mind in this classroom.

The only possible explanation Hanni could get from this was Min.

Professor Hwang carried on with the lesson, her attention being stolen and diverted towards Minji's continuous tapping of her pencil.

Hanni gritted her teeth as Minji continued to tap her pencil on the desk. She's doing it intentionally to get on Hanni's nerves, and it's working. Hanni tried to ignore it and focus on the lesson, but the tapping became more and more distracting. She can feel herself getting angrier by the second.

Finally, Hanni snaps. "Can you please stop that?" she hisses at Minji, unable to take it anymore.

Minji smirks and continues to tap her pencil. "What, this?" she says innocently, tapping even faster.

Hanni can feel her frustration building. She doesn't understand why Minji has to be infuriating to her all the time. She takes a deep breath, trying to calm herself down. "Why do you have to be so annoying?" she muttered.

Minji shrugged. "I'm just passing the time," she says, still tapping her pencil. "It's not my fault you're so easy to annoy."

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