Update on me

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TW: depression

I have kept silent about my struggles because I felt ashamed and alone. I have alluded to my struggles before on here before. But I didn't want to say anything specific because I was afraid of judgment or being called attention-seeking. But now I want to spend awareness.

Last year around this time, I was diagnosed with major depressive disorder (MDD). I have a genetic predisposition for anxiety and depression and I was diagnosed with anxiety three years ago. But I never thought depression could happen to me. But it did and I had to learn how to live with it. I felt unmotivated to do anything, even things I previously loved like reading and writing. It got so bad that I realized I needed help. I started therapy and it changed my life. There is no shame in getting help and it was very beneficial for me. I am not saying this for pity or attention but to spread awareness and help others feel less alone. 

Obviously, I can't speak for everyone because everyone's experience is different. But I can listen. YOU ARE NOT ALONE. If you need someone to listen, my messages are always open and you can always message me on Instagram as well (solbyfan1627). I will not judge and I will keep what is said between us. I never want anyone to feel alone like I did for months. Please reach out if you want to talk. And keep the comments respectful. 

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