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As I helplessly curl in the cold, deep corner, i think to myself; Why. Why do these things happen. Nobody deserves this. Its like an opinion never matters when it come to riches and popularity, nobody will ever believe the one who does not agree. I repeat these thoughts to myself his hard, angry fists repetitively bash the scarred surface of my skin.
"Never disobay me woman!" His words pierced my thoughts. I dont say a word knowing that if I did the chances of me seeing tomarrow would be slimmer than the are now. But then I got to thinking about my weaknesses, about how he has torn me apart, I realized that i really have nothing to live for so why not risk nothing for a chance at something, why not try. I can take him. I am strong.
"I AM STRONG!!!" I screamed out my words of encouragement."I can fight back!" I punched him with my bruised fist. It stung like hell but it felt amazing. I lunged at him and began to scrach him and punch him and kick and strangle and..... This isn't me, it's the city. I need to get out!" I gave that man one last wack in the jaw and sprinted straight out the door in an attempt to escape.

Authors Note
Hey guys just wanted to let u know that the names and everything will be in the next few chapters so if you like this one, please read more and like. Oh yeah and please vote. Sorry for having short chapters.

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