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    I shot out the door and and into the woods I gave not the slightest thought of looking back. Just run. Just run. Even when my legs began to shudder, my blood became thin, my muscles throbbed and pulsed, I went on. I went on untill my lungs were worn to rasins. Fear was not what made me go, but hope. I lived with hope waving through my veins. I ran through the forest untill it was gone. When my legs gave up alongside my heart, I looked back.

Nobody was there.

    I got up and spotted a tree that had been hollowed out. I creeped toward it. Once I reached the inside. I pulled in my legs and fell asleep.

    I had been asleep for a long time. It was daylight now, about noon. I emerged from the tree slowly making sure Nathan wasn't there. Once I came to the conclusion he was not there, I stepped out and stood up.

    My legs were very weak and my breaths were short. I  tried my hardest to walk but was immediately broken down. I landed very close to a pond and draged my limp body nearer to it. I cupped my hands and splashed the water onto my face. I drank it untill I  was satisfied.

    I tried once more to walk. The water had returned some of my strength. I walked to a nearby oak tree and climbed it to see where I had run to. I strugged greatly but managed to get up it. As I settled on a large limb, I noticed an owl was sitting right in front of me. It was looking into my eyes like a long lost friend..... like it knew it loved me.
(Image of the owl is at the top)

    I tried shooing it away but it didnt even flinch.

    "Hello Levi." He spoke softly.

    "U can talk!?" I shouted. I had just about launched off of the branch I had been sitting on.

    "Not only can I speak, I am able to get inside your mind. Now u must promise me you will cooperate and listwn to what I am telling you. I know it is difficult but I need you to trust that what I am about to say will change your perspective on yourself and all whooo surround you." He said this to me telepathically yet his voice was still calming and smooth.

    "Y-yes. Um...okay. You can tell me." For some reason I trusted him completely. I felt like I've known him forever.

    "You must come with me if you want to know about your past and future. You must follow me to my home it is safe there. Its the only place where we can talk about it." He was persuading but I still had questions.

    "Why are you here? Where are we going? Why me? How do you know my name? How do you exp-" He cut me off.

    "I am your father."

The Blood of the BirdWhere stories live. Discover now