Chapter 7

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Louis' P.O.V

Holy shit. Holy shit. Holy shit. my eyes widened as i saw Aubrey together with her things roll down the stairs. she stopped on the end of the staircase. i gaped. Stupid, stupid, Stttttuuuuuuuuuuuuuuupiiidd Louis. i should've helped her! i ran down the staircase and carried Aubrey in my arms.

"Harry!" i yelled. i waited for him, "what happened?" he asked casually. "Can't you see?! she fell and she's unconsious! we need to get to the hospital!" I yelled. he had his eyes wide open for a moment then went back to normal in a while and i swear i heard him mumble something. he got the keys out of his pocket as we went out to the car.



when we arrived at the hospital, we rushed inside. i feel warm liquid form on Aubrey's head.A doctor went up to us, "what seems to be the problem?" he asked. IS. HE. SERIOUS?! "Could you not see the unconsious girl on my arms?!" he flinched then his eyes widened. blood now dripping.

"Nurse!" then 2 nurses came up and got Aubrey off my arms. i sighed. hope she's okay...


*Four Hours later*

Aubrey's P.O.V

i forced my eyes open. My vision is a bit blurry so I used my hand to rub my eye. My vision cleared and then, I saw Louis and Harry sitting on the chairs which Is located at the side of my bed.

"Oh thank God!" Louis started rather dramatically. "I'll go get the nurse." He said then stood up. Leaving me with the Most dreadful person on earth. The tv was on. Guessing I could try to ignore him by watching.

I looked around for the remote. But nothing in sight. "Looking for this?" Harry's voice came. I closed my eyes for a moment not having the mood to look at the dreadful human in front of me. then took a deep breath. I re-opened my eyes then looked up at his green eyes, just to see him holding up the remote.

I mentally face palmed. i put out my hand then tried to grab it from him but he just moved it farther away from me. I rolled my eyes. "Real mature, Harry." I muttered thinking he wouldn't hear.

But anyways, he did.

"Well, at least I'm not such a Clumsy ass." He fired back. "Well, it's not my fault my bags are heavy!" I exclaimed. "Same old Aubrey" he said with an evil smirk. "Same old Aubrey." I mocked his ugly voice.

He put on a disgusted look. "You suck." He said. "You suck." I mocked him again. "Stop it!" He said clearly annoyed. I smirked knowing who's winning. i decided to keep mocking him.

"stop it!"



"you're such a Loser"

"you're such a lose-"

i got cut off by Louis busting in together with a nurse. i furrowed my eyebrows then looked at Harry who was looking at me with a frown. pfft..i wouldn't be surprised.  i stuck my tongue out. then got ready for my check up.

im such a child.


after my check up, the nurse and Louis went out. "if you weren't clumsy enough to fall, i would've been in the club right now." Harry muttered. "Well, if you don't enjoy my presence, then how come you're still here? after all, i don't enjoy your presence either." i said. "Louis wants me to stay and "watch" you" he said as he rolled his eyes.

"well get out! i don't need you to "watch" me." i said in frustration.  "Fine!" he yelled. then he stood up and went out. i crossed my arms as i rolled my eyes then, leaned back and huffed.

I hate you Harry Edward Styles.

Harry's P.O.V

She's right! why would I stay in that stupid room and just stay there all day watching her, if i could just go out and go clubbing? i put my hands in my pocket as i walked to Lou. When i got to him, i saw him talking on his phone.

i waited for him to finish, "Okay. yeah. Okay. Bye. Love you babe, see you." he ended his call. "Eleanor?" i smirked. "Yep. so, how's Aubrey?" he asked. "She told me to leave cause she didn't enjoy my presence." i said. he raised his eyebrow. "Why?" he asked.

"We don't actually get along." i said. "Why?" he asked again. "Long story." i said. "Wh-" i cut him off "Look, can i go to the club?" i asked. "At 5:00 in the afternoon?" he asked. i nodded quickly. he frowned. "With Aubrey in this condition?" he asked. i nodded slowly. 

"Haz, i don't think so.." he said still thinking. "Please, Loouuu" i whined. "Harry, no." he said. i gave him the puppy dog eyes. "it's not gonna work this time." he said seriously. i frowned. "atleast i tried." i muttered. 

"Go back to Aubrey's room, and tell her that she can go home tomorrow." he said. i sighed. 

but Louis...she doesn't want me in there. neither do i.

"Lou, please. can i just go to the club?" i asked. "Haz-" i didnt let him finish. "Thanks! see you later!" i said. then ran off. 

Thank god im out of this hell hole.

Aubrey's P.O.V

i waited for Louis to come in. While waiting, i decided to watch Television. i carefully moved myself to the chair where Harry was sitting on. i carefully stood up, feeling slight pain then got the remote. i held it with both of my hands.

"Thank you, Lord." i said, just then Louis came in. again. "Aubrey? what are you doing?!" he asked. he got the remote from me then forced me to sit down.

okay, so i use all my energy just to get the remote and then when i finally get it, it gets taken away from me. JUST. LIKE. THAT. 

what a waste.

"Aubrey! you're not suppose to stand up. You're supposed to rest, okay? tomorrow you can be released, and have a slight crack on your skull. According to the doctors." he said. Then he gave me a sheepish smile.

"That's not surprising at all." i said. he nodded. "Well..while i'm still here, can we have like..a talk?" he asked. "We're talking now." i said with a smile. He chuckled, "Anyways, i want to know why you and Harry seem to hate eachother?" i froze.

It suddenly became awkward. "U-uhm..what made you think that we hate eachother?" i asked. "Well..during the meeting, which was..about..few hours ago, you guys were giving eachother death glares." he said. "and?" i motioned for him to go on. "And..well..i thought, were one of the girls that Harry has dated back then." he said.

"What?! No." i said. "That's sooo far away from me and Harry's past. we never dated." i said. " then what?" he asked. i don't know, but when Louis' around, it's like he's been my Bestfriend for like..a Very long time. Like i could trust him. 

" see.."

Here it goes. The moment of truth.



Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! it has beeennnnn SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO LOOONNNGGGGG!! well..too long. i'm sorry for making you guys wait. :(( i have been busy. and yeah..I'VE FINALLY GRADUATED. :)) im so happy. Hope you enjoy this Chappieee...:33. vavooshhh. xX - Lexxx 

P.S. GET SEDUCED BY HARRY THE STYLES. GIF IN THE SIDE. now Rest In Peace. >:)) im so evuull.. :DD

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