Chapter 8

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Aubrey's P.O.V

I explained to him everything. leaving his Jaw dropped. "Wow. i never thought he'd do tha-" i cut him off. "But he did." i said. "are you going to do something abou-" i cut him off again "uhm..i-" this time it was Louis' turn to cut me off. "OKAY. LET'S PLAY 21 QUESTIONS!" he said a bit too loud. "Shhh!" i exclaimed.

he smile sheepishly then muttered a "Sorry". Then we proceeded to play.


A few hours later, i felt a bit drowsy. I let out a yawn, then Louis noticed. "Sleepy?"  he asked. i nodded as my eyelids became heavier. "Go to sleep. You have a whole day ahead of you." he said. i nodded and let out another yawn. i closed my eyes and the last thing i heard was Louis saying goodnight to me.

then i drifted off...

Harry's P.O.V

Im here in the club, im getting a bit tipsy. the lights going off and on as people were dancing. I was going to black out any moment. i felt like puking. but i wanted more. Just then a girl went up to me "Wow! you look like you're about to pass out any minute" she said in a seductive smile. 

"not in my watch" i slurred as i winked. She placed her finger on my chest "Your place or mine?" she whispered to my ear. "Mine" i said. she dragged me out the club.

 when we got to my apartment she started to strip me off and then you know what happens next.

*Next Day*

Aubrey's P.O.V

I opened my eyes and realization suddenly hit me.

I'm finally leaving today.

i sighed. just then, i felt something heavy on my foot. i looked down and saw some clothes all folded up. i jumped off the bed then got the clothes. i slowly walked to the bathroom. 


After the bath, i finally felt fresh. i folded my hospital gown, then fixed the bed. While i was fixing the bed, i heard someone open the door.  i looked behind then saw Louis. but he wasn't alone. He was with a Beautiful brunette. 

that must be Eleanor. they were both holding hands. 


"Hi!" i gave both of them a warm smile. "Oh! Aubrey, you're awake!" Louis exclaimed. i nodded. "Now that you're awake, i can finally introduce to you my lovely and beautiful girlfriend, Eleanor Jane Calder!" he said excitingly. 

i nodded then looked at Eleanor, who was blushing from Louis' words, smiling. "Hello! i'm Eleanor!" she grinned. She gave me a big hug. At first i was surprised but i hugged back. i smiled. 

I smell a new bestfriend! 

after a moment, we pulled away. "So...we already paid. so i think we should get going since me and the boys have an interview at 2pm and it's already..11. And meanwhile you can continue your girl chat on the way." Louis. what the heck. "Louis"

"yep?" he popped the "P"

"You paid for my stay?"

"Yup. Me and Eleanor did."

"Why?!" i said. "I had money in my wallet there in m-" i got cut off "Aubrey. it's fine." Eleanor said with a reassuring smile. i nodded. then gave her a small smile back. "Thank you guys." i said. "You're welcome" they said in unison. they looked at each other then smiled and blushed as they held eachothers hands again.

i may look like a third-wheeler but that wont stop me from saying "Awwwww...."

So, Awwwwwww....i wished i had a relationship like that.

when we reached the parking lot we quickly went inside Louis' car before any paparazzi or fans mob us.


on the way, Me and Eleanor chatted about girl things. when we finally arrived Louis and Harry's flat, we went inside to find a messy room. clothes everywhere. What the heck. i looked down on my foot and realized i was stepping on a condom wrapper.  

i gagged. and made a face of disgust. "THAT IS DISGUSTING." Eleanor shrieked behind me as i nodded in agreement. I looked at Louis who walked into his room and then..."WHAT THE FUCK HARRY!" Louis screamed. "IN MY ROOM!? REALLY?!" I then heard a muffled sound of something that fell.

we followed Louis to his room then we saw a naked, half-asleep Harry on the floor and a blonde on the bed with her eyes wide open and the sheets covering her body. 

 i heard Harry groan "I Didn't know whose room we were in, i was drunk Lou." he pushed himself up and i slightly squeaked. i quickly put my hands to cover my eyes as Eleanor did the same, knowing he was naked.  

"Get out." Louis said sternly to the blonde.

he sounds like a father.

i heard footsteps, i moved slightly to the side to let the blonde exit, since i was blocking the way. "Put on some pants, will ya?! Dress up! we have a fucking interiew at 2." Louis said who was in fact, still angry. i heard footsteps coming my way, i moved again, but Harry PURPOSELY bumped into me. he then walked past me.

i removed my hands from my eyes. as i silently glared at Harry who eventually went inside his room then slammed the door. "fuck you." i whispered. i looked back at Louis who was removing every inch of cloth on the bed with Eleanor's help. "Such vile people." Louis said. 

i couldn't agree more, Louis.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2013 ⏰

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