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Working as an assistant for Jayce and Viktor had been hectic to say the least, with the constant deadlines, a push for progress, and the occasional threat of the entire lab exploding, you had more than your fair share of excitement.

Tonight was one of those all too common quiet nights. You sat in an armchair in your corner of the lab, scribbling down copies of notes from earlier in the day, graphing data, adding personal observations. It was well past midnight, and Viktor continued to tinker with the blue gem in front of him. You know you could've left hours ago, much like Jayce and Sky did, both casting a concerned glance in Viktor's direction as he continued to stare intensely between the gems in front of him and the notebooks all around.

Part of you thought the quiet company was nice though, that the soft sound of ruffling pages, or pencil scribbling in books was comforting. The occasional click of machinery or hum of dissatisfaction from Viktor was welcome this late at night. The trouble that you had sleeping also multiplied this.

Even if you had gone home, you were sure that you would simply be sitting there, wide awake, left to your own devices, simply stewing in your own doubts and thoughts. It was much better, much simpler, to sit here, glance at Viktor from time to time, and continue to work on these reports. At least it kept you busy.

The soft scribbling of pencil continues before you hear a small crash, and a sigh of frustration. You look over to see Viktor roll his shoulders back, rolling his neck quickly, before returning to the same slouched posture he had been in before.

Viktor had the focus of any true genius, diving into his work with his heart and soul. Nothing could break his concentration, it seemed like anything he set his mind to he would eventually achieve. Watching that all unfold in front of you over the last few months has filled your heart with admiration for the man, if not even more than that.

The man was a great scientist, and at the least a kind boss, the kind who wouldn't admonish you for mistakes but would teach you how to correct them, as I had sadly learned after one too many slip ups.

You could see how Sky liked him, amber eyes that were warm even as his gaze seemed to pierce through and study you. His hair was always a little messy, he'd always get frustrated when his hair fell over his eyes while he was working. Just once I saw him with the front pieces of his hair neatly tied by a haphazard ponytail , protruding directly from his forehead, though he would probably vehemently deny it if I ever said anything.

The kind of Viktor that everyone knew was already extraordinary. So the late night Viktor, that I only saw in the wee hours of the morning in the lab, was nothing short of admirable. It was the time you could really see him committed to his work. The midnight oil burned as he remained quiet and focused, the future of Piltover, sat slouched on a leather stool.

You manage to hold in a chuckle, only releasing it as a small exhale when Viktor teeters dangerously while leaning to grab something. As he switches on a machine, a low hum begins to reverberate around the room, the droning noise is calming and stops some of the tinny feeling in your ears. He stands up and walks to a cupboard to grab some materials, walking along with his cane, before carrying them against his hip and continuing his work.

It was so easy to like him, it made sense that Sky had a crush on him. The sense of admiration you felt for him as a scientist meant that you could see all of the likable things about him, you were sure of it.

That was until you woke up hours later, the dawn breaking through the windows that overlooked the city from inside the lab. Viktor was now sitting at a different seat, pouring various liquids between beakers and writing down their reactions. The goggles he is wearing have his hair pinned so that it won't fall near his face. As you looked down you saw a small blanket draped over you, one that was kept in the cupboard, probably so Viktor had an excuse to sleep at the lab most nights.

"You are awake?" You hear him ask from across the room, barely sparing you a glance from the test tubes.

"Mnnn" You barely manage a groan from where you are, the sunlight is far too bright right now.

"It is probably best if you head home now, I shall tell the others that you are taking the day off." Viktor says matter-of-factly.

"No, no, it's fine!" you say with a yawn "I can work."

"Never have I seen someone so eager to do unpaid overtime" he remarks with a small chuckle. "Please go home and rest. If I need help I am sure Jayce and Sky can help me for one day."

You sit up from the chair you were sitting in with a creak, seeing the papers you were working on before neatly arranged on the table in front of you. Stretching your muscles as your body begins to wake up.

"Alright, alright, I'll leave you geniuses to work, though some rest would probably do you some good as well." you say pointedly, he gave an affirmative hum.

"I will try."

You doubted that.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2023 ⏰

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