Only you

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After a long day Imlie and Aryan settle down in their room to relax for the night .Imlie has already had her shower and Aryan just came out of the bathroom when suddenly he received a call from his secretary (piya),while drying his hair . Imlie asked him who was calling and he replied saying it's Piya ,she frowned
Imlie has never liked Piya because she was always into Aryan every single chance she gets she was always shooting shots to gets close to him but Imlie always kept her cool because she doesn't want anyone in the office to feel she's being favored because she's the CEO's wife . Piya always had a crush on Aryan and she didn't care if he was married she wanted his attention by all means .
Imlie made it clear to Piya that she doesn't like her but she'll keep it formal with her .
Returning to the call
Aryan: Hey Piya any problem
Piya:um sir I wanted to discuss the file you gave to me earlier today it contains the new article......
Aryan: cutting her short ...Piya you don't have to bother about the file I just gave it to you to keep it for use later
Imlie got pissed and irritated she didn't like the fact Aryan was talking to Piya when she knows how much advance Piya has been giving Aryan and she wanted his attention so badly today and she doesn't want it to be given to Piya 👀
She took the phone from Aryan angrily
Aryan : So Piya.....(she grabs the phone)
Imlie : Hey Piya I know you don't have any thing to discuss this night and right now he's not supposed to be discussing anything related to work at night,he's your boss and at the same time he is my husband so it'll be good if you don't call him at night for no reason alright??
Piya:Yes 😒Imlie ma'am
(She hanged up)
Turning to Aryan
Aryan: Imlie why did you do that?😒 that was so rude
Imlie:Aryan I'm serious I don't like you talking to Piya at night I know she likes you and it makes me uncomfortable
I never say that to you but I need your attention a little more today🥺
Aryan:Heyy Jungli you should have just told me taking her to the bed
Imlie: I need to cuddle 🥺 and you're not giving me enough attention
She layed on the bed and Aryan took her in his arms
She was feeling bad and Aryan took her in for a kiss
She responded immediately she kissed him passionately tugging his lower lip while Aryan bit her lips for access into her mouth he began exploring he mouth with his tongue he took her in his laps
Roaming his arms around her back and her right thigh while she digs her hands in his hair she moan in pleasure while having a brilliant kiss
He began tasting her flavor and they fought for dominance
Breaking the kiss As they were out of breath
Imlie had a great smile as she felt a relief after what went on now with Piya
He proceeded saying we can do it if you want pointing to her clothes 😈 Imlie replied saying (Noo we can't right here you don't want me moaning out loud while Arpita ,Maa ,Sundar and the whole family are present 😏
Aryan laughed out loud saying 😂😂noo I wouldn't want that we'll do that laterrrr😈
Imlie:Now let's go to bed
Aryan proceeded wrapping his hand around her taking her into a tight cuddle
Aryan:Good night my love💜
Good night honey💜
And they had a good night rest

(Hey guys I'm new here tell me if you like the story and do not hesitate to tell me if you find any mistakes
And you can give suggestions of things you want to see) With love JUMZYY 💜

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