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Imlie:(in her mind) Amma?
Aryan:Imlie who's that (standing up to adjust his bulge)
Imlie:it's Amma
Aryan:Oh pick it up and (he turned his direction towards the wash room)saying she already sabotage the mood🙄🥲
Imlie:Aryan!! Stopeet
I'll pick it up
Aryan decided to take a quick cold shower
MEETHI :Hello bitiya
Imlie:Amma how are you
Mt:I'm fine beta how are you and how's Aryan Babu
Im: we are all fine
MEETHI:Imlie are you alone right now? I would like to discuss some things with you
Imlie:yes Maa
Meethi: this is a very personal issue I hope you don't mind me interfering but it's better to
Imlie:Maa when do I ever tell you not to interfere in my issues? Go on and talk to me
MEETHI:when are you planning on taking things further with your husband?
Imlie:what do you mean Maa?
MEETHI:Let me finish with what I'm saying and listen attentively
I know I forced you into a second marriage and all sorts of narrative but Trust me my daughter it all has its benefits
You must be wondering why I'm bringing this issue up all of a sudden
Imlie:yes Mum
MEETHI: Don't you think it's time to take things further with your husband?
I'm hearing all whispers from you saying "I have a growing feeling for him" or "he has always been in love with me...I DON'T WANT TO HEAR THINGS LIKE THAT
Imlie if I don't tell you this thing who's going to? Huh?
Don't you think this Man has needs too?
As a Man it's normal to have physical needs too
I'm not in a place to ask my daughter or her husband how their sexual life is but my Daughter should learn how to keep and not make people interfer it's obvious and his family wouldn't be able to say things like this to you that's why I'm the one doing it
The relationship between you and Aryan should be stronger and unbreakable
Not only physical needs but you to also be his comforter
Imlie:"in her mind" how am I suppose to over look this ? It's true we both have confessed our love for each other
Several kisses,Extreme touches, Dirty and naughty conversations but still I always denied him of his right
Forget about all this things Amma is saying we have already taken our relationship to another level and all, but we still haven't consummated our marriage
How do I even say the word? 
we say different naughty words to each other but at the end i know he craves it but he doesn't want to make me uncomfortable
At the end of each encounter the erotic fever which had possessed us will disappear all because of me
MEETHI:Imlie,Imlie!! are you there
Imlie:  "Shaken out of trance of deepened thoughts" yes Maa I'll talk to you later Thank you so much see you soon!
She dropped the call
Imlie: ~Sigh~
My husband is one that'll do anything and everything to make sure I have a smile on my face
He is one that can't bear to see a single tear drop in my eye and always tries his best to keep me happy so why can't I do this for him
Sharing my intimacy and fears
My happiness and my tears
Sharing gossips and fun 
Sharing my troubles and delights
Sharing thoughts about my roadblocks
Even after all our fights
Over our lengthy talks
Your unwavering support and adulation
Leaves me without a single worry
Only because I have a wonderful HUSBAND
you gave me an identity and supported me through THICK AND THIN
Then who am I to deny you of your right
you deserve all of it.
Precap:Aryan being his wife's painkiller 😭😂
Heyy Guyyyyys new update

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