Realized what went wrong😩

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Imlie:Good morning maa
Narmada:good morning beta
Imlie: good morning everyone
Arpita: good morning Imlie ....looking at her sheepishly how was your night? Seem you woke up blushing today 👀what's up
She looked at Imlie who was looking so confused (Imlie replied)
Imlie:no Didi I'm just ready to go to work
Arpita:Okayy I seeeeee(teasing her)
Aryan and Imlie replied in unison saying "YES MAA"
And others also payed heed to what she was about to say
Narmada:the TRIPATHI'S are about to relocate abroad this week so I thought of inviting them for breakfast today,including Malini and Anu
Aryan and Imlie:but Maa!!
Narmada;I don't want to hear anything ,I just want a little breakfast without any misunderstandings before they leave
P.S(I really don't know the characters of the Tripathis so please bare with me)
Imlie;okay maa
Rupali and aparna exchanged greetings with everyone
Anu and Malini also exchanged greetings
Aditya also exchanged greetings with them
Malini:Imlie i'm sure you are happy with him leaving me and my child in this condition
After seducing my husband and making him turn his back against me you started your own life with another man living happily
I'm going to make sure....
Aryan cutting in :ms chatuverdi aren't you tired of saying the same thing over and over again?? When it's all lies
Get a life MAN!!
Narmada cutting in : take a sit let's eat
They all went to their respective sits
Imlie and Aryan sat next to each other while malini and Aditya sat opposite them
Arpita and Rupali decided to serve the food
Arpita served the roti and other delicacies while Rupali served the chicken curry
P.s ( as I said bear with me guys idk what Indians serve with roti whatever was sided with it was what I found from google 😔)
She went ahead to serve Narmada and her mum then Anu and malini she served Sundar and Aditya she served Aryan was about to serve Imlie
When she and Arpita bumped into each other mistakenly the sauce spilled on Imlie's chest
Rupali:oh my goodness Imlie I'm so sorry
Imlie: it's okay I'll clean it up
Aryan: should I come and assist you
Preeta; no aru baby! Tamarind will be fine🙈I'll serve you more rotis
Aryan raised his brows and said no I'm okay with this
Imlie excused her self
She went to the wash room to clean her self up
She packed her hair up in a bun so she'll be able to clean the spilled sauce
She cleaned it up from her neck to her chest using a wet wipe
She finished and went back to the dining
She sat down
Aryan :it's all cleaned up right?
Imlie right!
They all started eating when malini started staring at Imlie
Malini in her mind;even after this maid ruined my life she's enjoying her's
Arpita also started staring at Imlie and she was about to choke on her food
And Imlie caught Aditya's attention too
Aditya's mind:what has this man done to my Imlie
Damn it he must have gotten so close to my imlie that I can't even think of getting her to be mine again first he lured her into his trap by pretending to help her then he lured her into marriage by pretending to love her and use her
Back to Arpita
Everyone's attention were on their foods and Arpita took some water to prevent her self from choking more
Soon after almost every body's attention were on her
Imlie started feeling uncomfortable as she felt people staring at her
She looked up and indeed they were all staring at her but not only her it was her and Aryan
Imlie to her self : why are they all staring at me have I done something 😳
Aryan to Imlie:Do you have any idea why they are staring at us
(Pictures from ragavi-b on ig)

s ( as I said bear with me guys idk what Indians serve with roti whatever was sided with it was what I found from google 😔)She went ahead to serve Narmada and her mum then Anu and malini she served Sundar and Aditya she served Aryan was about to ...

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Imlie:even I don't know Aditya looking with disgustMalini looking with anger and jealousy Rupali looking surprisedPreeta -about to cry dramatically Arpita giggling

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Imlie:even I don't know
Aditya looking with disgust
Malini looking with anger and jealousy
Rupali looking surprised
Preeta -about to cry dramatically
Arpita giggling

That is when Aryan noticed what they were all staring at Aryan: TF!!(in his mind)What has Imlie done 🤦‍♀️🫡He immediately loosen her hair to fall on her neck Whispering to her Imlie I offered to help you in the washroom but you said you were okay...

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That is when Aryan noticed what they were all staring at
Aryan: TF!!(in his mind)
What has Imlie done 🤦‍♀️🫡
He immediately loosen her hair to fall on her neck
Whispering to her
Imlie I offered to help you in the washroom but you said you were okay now see what you have done
Imlie:what did I do? And why did you loosen my hair
Aryan:you wiped all the make up off and tied your hair up
You gave them the perfect view naaa
Now they're all staring at the hickies 😶‍🌫️
Imlie:my goodness I totally forgot
What have I done now?🙇‍♀️
I didn't realize I cleaned the makeup off the hicky marks (covering her face 🙈this is so disgracing) Sundar and Nishant looked toward them when they saw Aryan placing his hands on Imlie's chest right on top of her boobs trying to cover the mark there
All their eyes widen seeing so much PDA(public display of affection)
Imlie began excusing her self and Aryan while his hand was still placed on her boobs
Getting to the room
Imlie:my goodness Aryan I'm so sorry 😩that was so embarrassing
I made a very stupid mistake
Aryan: it's okay I'm sure they know it's normal between couples he held her by her waist and placed a soft kiss on her forehead
Now come let's cover it up
Imlie covered it up with Aryan's assistance
Aryan stayed in the room to rest for a while before heading to the office
Imlie went out to check if things have been cleared and taken care of
While going she bumped into someone she always felt like throwing up in disgust when ever she makes and encounter with
At the same time she was curious to know what kind of venom this person was about to spit out
Aditya:wow Imlie I see you let him touch you every where,you guys would have gotten intimate quite a number of times
Imlie:yes what will you do?he is my husband after all 😏 he can touch me anywhere and every where it's his right and it can never be taken away from him so is my right on him-he belongs to me and I belong to him now focus on your wife and your unborn baby
Excuse me
She left
(Hey guys idk what is going on between SUMBUL AND FAHMAAN but I feel things are about to go wrong can someone please explain to me what happened between them because I don't understand Hindi I can only pick little points from what I'm seeing online so can someone please explain to me in English and What Tabish's video was all about)
Thank you in advance 😘
Jumzyy 💜

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