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A little Special ;)

Some Ao3 oneshots about BajiFuyu I recommend. Check them out!

every night, baby, that's where i go
- by imnotataraxia

Words: 10.527

Chifuyu's lips were red from biting them and Baji had to tear his gaze away before doing something that wasn't the moment. So he just pulled Chifuyu closer and hugged him. Chifuyu embraced Baji closer to him, hiding his face in the crook of the other's neck, inhaling the smell he had missed so much. They both noticed the tension melting off their bodies and stayed like that for some time, just holding the other.
Or: the journey of Baji and Chifuyu discovering their feelings for each other.

Includes: first kiss, tomans friendship, trust issues
Realationship status: not together yet
Mental state: cute, funny, bit sad
PoV: storyteller
Au: no
Smut: no

↪️my personal favourite


We're made of Starlight
- by Insane_fangurl

Words: 1.198

A tiny glimpse on Bajifuyu's relationship, and how beautifully random the universe can be when it wants two people together.
Bajifuyu's totally not anniversary because they are NOT officially dating date is in the same day as a meteor shower.

Includes: fluff, kissing
Realationship status: that's the question
Mental state: happy, sweet
PoV: Storyteller
Au: no
Smut: no

↪️ so adorable, I can't


Baby You're a Home Run
- by jungkookery

Words: 6.503

Baji picks up baseball in high school.
This may or may not signal the end of Chifuyu's life.

Includes: kissing, fluff, tomans friendship
Realationship status: not together yet
Mental state: funny, happy
PoV: Chifuyu
Au: baseball
Smut: yes

↪️ the AU fits perfectly, everything does


Double Play
- by jungkookery

Words: 3.700

Chifuyu will take more heed of Keisuke's glare and act accordingly in the future. Or not, that remains to be seen.

Includes: jealousy, kissing, possessiveness
Realationship status: already together
Mental state: funny, flirty (?)
PoV: Chifuyu
Au: baseball
Smut: yes

↪️ this is like a second part of Baby You're a Home Run

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