. Dancing Queen .

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The air was cool that evening, the trip was long to get to Zorro, but nevertheless they got there. The little ones were asleep so Isaac just carried them until they woke up, which didn't take long, meanwhile Miss bee and Alex looked like the cutest couple, Gina was looking threw her book of spells, Kaylie and Blaze were discussing how the fight was going to go down and Elizabeth had this weird smile on her face.

When everyone finally went up the marble stairs, Mindy pushed open the tall marble doors and all of the other guests eyes came to them, looks of dead and glares.
"Everyone spread out" Isaac whispered but loud enough for everyone to hear. Mindy walked in, her blood red eyes were enough to put people in shock. Miss bee and Alex took their spot near a table in the right corner. Elizabeth didn't bother to talk to anyone, she already ran in, holding her dress she found a stone door and went inside, Kaylie and Blaze walked to the middle of the floor, everyone kept looking at them. Gina took it upon herself to find the kitchen, using one of her spells to give her "chef" clothes. Isaac stayed close to where the kings throne was, but not for the king to see him.

The little ones ran around, making most people's attention go to them. But for Mindy, she went straight up to the kings throne, Zackary at first didn't see her but then he did.
"Oh I'm glad you came, my queen" Zackary laughed.
"Oh please, why did you want me here anyways, you realize that I'm still going to go to war on you and your people, no amount of your flirting will work on me" Mindy told. Zackary laughed again.
"I can change that" Zackary said. Mindys eyes looked like she was going to throw something, or someone.
"And about that war, I mean if you still want to go threw it after this then be my guest." Zackary told.
"Whatever" Mindy said as she walked back down from the throne.

With Elizabeth.

Elizabeth was somewhat a kind soul. But when people got in her way of something, she had to take care of it.

Elizabeth's ears couldn't handle the amount of noise that the other guests were making, so she stayed near the walls until she could find a door. As much as she despised Isaac and his plan, she didn't have any other choice. So when she stood in front of a wood doorway she went inside, making sure no guards could see her. She walked threw the room which was seemed to be made of stone walls and wood floors. Her heels clicked on the wood. Unfortunately she couldn't bring her axe, but Isaac infused blades into her fan, so she was a little happier but she doesn't know how to use the weapon as well as her axe. Soon after, she stopped, there was "a fork in the road", so at first she was going to go the middle way, when she heard something running from that way. When the thing came close to the zombie, she realized it was a NightHowler, but it didn't look like one of Isaac's clan. When it came even closer she saw it had a sledgehammer in hand. Elizabeth backed away, not wanting to screw up the plan and make loads of noise. It's took her a while to comprehend that she couldn't back away. Just as the NightHowler was about to swing the sledgehammer in Elizabeth's direction, Elizabeth slid under the NightHowler, making them hit the wall instead of her. Elizabeth then jumped on the NightHowler's back, then she took out her fan and started to cut the NightHowler's back, making them yelp like a dog, Elizabeth had a twisted smile on her face, she then got off their back and as the NightHowler was about to fall backwards, she grabbed the sledgehammer and smashed its scull open . Blood, brain bits, everything was now flying out. She was about to leave when she was stopped, by what seemed to be a goblin.
"Hello miss" the short creature greeted. Elizabeth was a little confused, I mean the thing wasn't scared, Elizabeth was pretty sure that it just saw her smash open someone's head that was way bigger than the both of them.
"Uh hi?" Elizabeth confusedly greeted back. The goblin smiled, as he noticed something on the undead girl's dress and wiped it off. Elizabeth backed away a little.
"What do you need?" Elizabeth asked. The goblin laughed.
"I think the real question is, who are you, and what are you doing here?" The thing asked.
"Ok fine, My name is Elizabeth, I am queen of Lavera and I'm here because my acquaintance is going to war on the King of Zorro." Elizabeth told.
"Oh I'm so sorry for intruding your majesty" "my name is Theo Montero" Theo bowed.
"Yeah ok get up I have somewhere to be" Elizabeth lied, she didn't trust this "Theo".
"Well how about I accompany you?" Theo asked.
"No thank you" Elizabeth said as she walked around the man, I mean it wasn't hard he was up to her waist.
"Whatever you say.." Theo said as he walked down the way that the NightHowler came threw.

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