Dont touch my sister

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Lo'ak and Darius where together noticing a commotion going on, aonung and his friends where teasing kiri.

Lo'ak frowned walking over with Darius as aonung smirked

"Back off fishlips!"
Lo'ak frowned walking over

"Ohhh~ another four fingered freak"
Aonung smirked laughing as lo'ak got into aonungs face as Darius went to kiri.

"Look at his little baby tail!"
Aonungs friends teased

"Baby tail!"
They all teased as lo'ak tries to fight them back.

"Leave us alone!?"
Darius frowned as aonung turned to him

"The omegas telling us what to do"
Aonung said smacking his friends arm as they laugh while the two others deal with lo'ak.

Dariuss ears flatten and he frowned

"I'm not an omega."
Darius said

Aonung laughed walking over to Darius grabbing his wrist as Darius tried to get away

"Don't touch me!"
Darius frowned as aonung smirked shoving the boy down making him grunt.

Kiri whined as Darius proceeds to swing hitting aonung right in the cheek which infuriated aonung.

But before he could beat darius he was shoved by neteyam

"You heard what she said. Leave them alone."
Neteyam said as aonung frowned backing off as neteyam helped darius up

"From now on, I need you to respect my sister."
Neteyam said as the boy hissed but aonung quickly shushed him.

Neteyam said as he grabbed dariuss neck and lo'aks hurrying them away.

"They are all freaks."
Aonung and his friends teased as lo'ak turned to them and proceeds to start the beating.

Soon enough neteyam was involved but darius stayed out of it. He wasn't strong enough to be fucking with alphas

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