The Evilest Ways

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(Disclaimer: Whatever you read in this is a self-insert AU of me being a Cookie of Darkness. Note that I would never join the Cookies of Darkness if I was suddenly transported into their world.)

It was my first day being in the infamous Cookies of Darkness. I just woke up from a long slumber, which was about nine hours, and I spent four of those in a dream where the Cookies of Darkness accepted me. What I did not know was that the Cookies of Darkness would accept me five hours later.

After I changed out of my pajamas and into an outfit that I thought showed off my more darker intentions, Red Velvet Cookie rushed into my room and handed me four papers. "Give these contracts to Licorice Cookie whenever you can. He needs to answer them when he can without procrastination." Red Velvet asked me to take those to him, which I did. While walking there, my brain finally turned on for the day.

Licorice Cookie? I've heard of him, but haven't met him. He seems like a perfect fit for the Cookies of Darkness. I wonder how he would react to me. I thought to myself, letting my brain run wild. 

As I walked near the door and knocked, I heard a muffled voice say: "What do you want? I'm—I'm busy!" I knew this was Licorice Cookie from the sound of his scratchy voice.

"Red Velvet told me to give this to you." I announced, placing four contracts on his desk to his left. I didn't see what they were, but I knew from Red Velvet's tone of voice earlier that they looked important and needed to be signed urgently. "Get these back to him when you can." I said a goodbye and left the room.

"Four papers?! What is this??" I could hear Licorice's anger in his voice protrude like a crumb of cake sitting on a plate. He tried to yank the papers, but ended up with all four of them on the ground.

As I overheard Licorice, I shouted from the room across Licorice's: "Need some help?"

"Uh, sure! A little bit! I'm-- I'm a bit of a clutz." He tried to cover up his embarrassment, but his blanket of red that covered his cheeks disagreed. I picked up the papers with ease and set them on Licorice's desk.

"If you need any more help, just call me." I said.

"Okay... Thank you!" Licorice replied, trying to recover from his embarrassment once more. "Wait. You know I'm in the Cookies of Darkness, right? You are one of my enemies! Why would you help me?!" He was suspicious that I would try and humiliate him for some apparent reason. My response was straight to the point, which I have been trying to work on for years at this point.

"Nope. I got in yesterday. The name's Peyton, by the way." I said, as I pulled out a contract with Dark Enchantress' signature on it that I always kept in my pocket. 

"Wow... Dark Enchantress Cookie actually accepted you as a part of our team?" He said, trying to figure out a reason why Dark Enchantress could use me. She did not accept any Mary Sue or Gary Sue Cookie. 

"I am a strategic thinker, so I could help with the brains of it. Just a question. Who would be the "brawn" of the group, if I dare label anyone as such?" I asked curiously.

"Hmmm... I would say Dark Choco Cookie is the brawn. He is always doing the "dirty" work. And he's also the one in charge of punishing cookies who fail! It makes it easy for me to focus on my schemes. He could easily be called a musclehead. And for good reason!" Licorice replied, knowing more than I did on who is who in the Cookies of Darkness. This world was one I just didn't know, but every step I took, I knew more along the way.

"Just based off of what you say, he seems like the strong type of cookie for the team." I said. If I would have seen Dark Choco, I would have feared him. This was not the way of the dark, so I had to get to know their ways.

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