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At an unknown Orphanage

Third-person p.o.v.

Finally! I can get rid of the weird kid! And that older one too.

Anya gasped in shock and ran to Y/N's side and clutched her pants while the latter stared at her in confusion.

"Any papers I need to sign?"

"Nope, just take them and go."

Loid returned a few hours later so that the girls could pack their belongings and bid their friends farewell. Soon, it was time for them to leave. Y/N made sure to run over with the two teens how to use the stove, oven, and microwave so that nobody set the house on fire from that day onwards.  Without Y/N in the orphanage, she just hopes that all goes well and that they find homes as soon as possible.

Anya and the h/c girl wave goodbye to the orphanage after packing their belongings, some parting with tears in their eyes before officially bidding farewell.

Y/N was going to miss the kids there, hopefully, Riria and Sage will make the kids their three meals, and maybe Yuki could help them out too.

The h/c girl sighed before following the man and Anya to an apartment complex.

"Listen up you two."

"Anya and Y/N nee-chan!" The man sighed.

"Okay, listen Anya and Y/N. Starting from today, you two are my daughters, but if anyone asks, you both have always been my daughters, alright?"

What the-This man is really sketchy. Who says that?

"Is that clear?" Anya and the h/c girl nod their heads.

"My name is Loid Forger and you two will be now known as Y/N Forger and Anya Forger." Anya and Y/N nod their heads once more before following their new father into the building.

"I would like you both to address me as "father" as the elite people do," Loid says whilst walking up the stairs.

Elite people? What on earth?


"Okay, father." The name felt very foreign as it rolled off the girl's tongue but she kept still.

"That works too." He dejectedly sighed, at least one of them listened to what he said. On the way to the apartment, the new "family" comes across an elderly woman who greets them.

"Well, aren't you both adorable girls? Hi there."

Anya waddles over to Y/N's right and speaks, "Hello! I'm Anya, and I've always been papa's daughter!" The elderly woman freezes.

What was this little girl saying? Seems like smart children don't come with a filter.

"Pleasure to meet you, ma'am." Y/N bows, "My name is Y/N Forger and we're your neighbors." Y/N raises her head and stares at her father before they leave the elderly woman and make their way to their new home.

This one's got better manners than the child, she might be of good use to this operation.

"My home?" Anya asks as Loid fumbles to open the door. "Yes, your home." Once he opens the door, he lets us in first to have a look around.  

After getting a quick tour, Anya was persistent in following Loid to the shops and said the most random things.  That's what Y/N heard from Loid at least, well, it's expected, nothing out of the ordinary when you've now got a child-like Anya running around with a packet of peanuts in her hand.

Night soon passes and Y/N gives Anya a packet of peanuts before tucking her in for bed. Both she and Anya have their rooms, though, the h/c girl's room was slightly bigger than the others.

It was pretty basic, f/v/c curtains, a bed, a desk, a chair, and a wardrobe. If Mr. Loid takes us shopping for furniture, I might see if I could get a few things to make this room look less plain.

"Is Anya asleep?" Loid asks Y/N as she grabs herself a glass of water from the kitchen.

"Yes, she is. Took a while, but I did it." The man nodded before continuing to read a book, which Y/n further inspected as a book about parenting.

Y/N found it weird but ignored the title of the book before downing her glass of water and putting it in the dishwasher.

"Goodnight, Father." Loid looked up to face the h/c girl, she was oddly quiet unlike Anya, he took note.

"Goodnight, Y/N. Sweet dreams."

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