Mateo's pov

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5:30 pm
Arias still not here, we were supposed to meet an hour ago. I'll text her to see if she answers.

-where are you?

Great, no answer.
i guess she's not coming.
It's still weird, Arias never late to anything. Especially if it has something to do with school. This is so not like her.

What if something happened to her?
Maybe it wasn't her who looked at the message?
I push away my thoughts and starts to watch something on the tv instead.

Before i went to bed I checked if I have gotten any a answer but still nothing. Maybe tomorrow.

Next day
I walk Into English class but still no sign of Aria. I haven't seen her the whole day, she's never late to school. Something's not right.

After English class i meet up with my friends, josh and Lucas. I met Josh and Lucas at daycare and we have been hanging out since.
Josh has brown hair, middle part, blue eyes and is about 5'9. Lucas is the exact opposite, blond hair, brown eyes and is 5'5.

We all get to the cafeteria and sit down with our lunch. But just as I'm about to sit down i see her, Aria.

Why didn't she show yesterday?
Why did she skip English class?
Why haven't she been answering my text?

I don't think twice and just walks straight to her. Lucky her friends hasn't arrived so she's alone.
"Where are you going?" I hear Josh behind me.
I ignore him and make my way down to her.

Me and Aria makes eye contact for a split second before she gets up.
"Sit down. I wanna talk."
"About what?" Like if she doesn't already know why I'm here.

"I waited and hour for you to arrive and still no sign of you. I try to text you to see if somethings wrong but you just leave me at opened. And as if that's not enough, you also skip English class, you love English"

"I quit. I took extra math instead" Excuse me? Is that something you can do?

"You didn't think about telling me this?"  Who does she think she is?
"I didn't think I needed to" what.

"Didn't think you needed to?!" "I waited an hour for you, i texted you and you saw it! And you didn't think you needed to tell me?!"
"You're so selfish!" I didn't realize i was screaming until after. I looked around to see everyone staring but when I looked back to Aria,
she was gone.

I made my way back to my table and sat down. I looked down to avoid any eye contact I could possibly get.
"Dude, what was that about?"
"None of your business."

Total words: 516
I am so sorry for not updating anything but I have a lot of exams and I haven't had any motivation. I will try to upload more on the upcoming weeks but no promises.
I also want to thank everyone for the support and I am so glad that you like this story💞

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