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(Don't mind the picture. I was bored. Yes I know that's a Ferrari. Leave me alone/j)

Me after completely disappearing for 5-ish months: hey wassup fam it's ya boi 😎
I just had some very bad writers block because, as it turns out, copying the script of Episode One with very few changes is somewhat boring. But I doubt that anyone was dying for the next part of this so uhhhhh anyway-



-Jake's POV-

Zoey, Lia, and a couple of their other friends were leaning against the lockers and laughing about something when the four boys approached them. Zoey noticed them and sprang up to greet Drew.

"Hiiii, Drewy! How are you?"

"Meh, I'm fine. Just had a little run-in with the music nerds."

"Heh. They're so lame. They think they're better than everyone else, don't they?"

"Oh, yeah, totally. Just because they can make pretty noises with hunks of plastic and metal. Like, big deal. My CD player can do that. You're not special."

Lia scoffed. "And they're so rude, too. If they could just be quiet about feeling soooooo superior, it wouldn't even be a problem-"

At this point, Jake stopped listening. Addmittedly, he felt sort of bad about his treatment of the music club members. They clearly didn't seem to enjoy any interactions they had with Jake's friends, and, somewhere in the deep, dark, crusty-musty-dusty corners of his brain, it reminded him of his own middle school experience. But seeing his friends who had rescued him from that very life laughing and cracking jokes about the club...well, they had to be at least slightly bad, right? They did have that air of snobbiness around them... They probably thought that he was just some empty-headed buffoon who would never amount to anything.

And so he joined in on the conversation, saying "Oh, you will not believe what she (The, uh, the one with blue hair) said to me yesterday-"

-Zander's POV-

Zander was sitting in English class, bored out of his mind. The assignment had just been a brief review sheet of topics from the previous year, which he had completed in eight or so minutes. He was doodling a tree in the back of one of his notebooks and staring out of the window, when the teacher got up at the front of the classroom and cleared his throat.

"Ahem. Class, before I forget, Miss Jones has asked me to make an announcement.
In several months, there will be a school band competition. Rosemeadow's music club will be taking part in it, and are looking for new members. They're looking for new singers especially, but anyone who has some sort of musical skill can join. There are flyers posted around the school, and you can see those for more information on the competition, and club meeting times and locations."

Zander snuck a glance behind him. Most of the class was still talking and not paying attention to the teacher at all. A few people were listening, but looked uninterested. He sighed.


"I take it we don't have any incredibly wonderfully talented new club members yet?" he asked as he walked into the club room at lunchtime.

Hailey sighed. "Ya think?"

Zander groaned and draped himself face-first into a chair. "I told you this was a bad idea. We're fine with just us five. And nobody else wants to join anyway."

Sean patted the purple-haired boy's back awkwardly. "Hey, don't be such a downer. Someone could come later during lunch! And there's always the practice after school. Plus, you never know, there could be a new member or two who end up being the newest edition to the, uh..."

"Music peeps!" Milly piped up.

"Right, the 'music peeps'. Also known as our group of friends. You just need to give them a chance. You never know, it could turn out well."

Zander sighed. "Okay, you may be right. Thank you Sean, you're my second-favorite father figure."

"I...have mixed feelings about that title."

"It's a great honor. You did, however, lose to a forty-something-year-old with a blue mustache and beard, an acoustic guitar that he brings literally everywhere, and an arsenal of semi-interesting 'when I was your age' stories."

"Well, damn, I can't compete with that."

"You certainly cannot."

"Maybe someday."

They both laughed lightly, and Sean returned to helping Milly set up her amp.

"Milly, did you remember those cables?" Hailey asked.


She sighed, half in amusement and half in annoyance."Of course you didn't."

"It's okay, I brought extras." Sean interjected.

"Okay honestly, Sean is running half of the club at this point. Uh, no offense, Hailey," Luke laughed.

"None taken, he really is."

Sean chuckled. "Aww, thanks guys."

"No problem," Luke said. "We also appreciate you keeping this thing under control." He bonked Milly on the head lightly.

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing, why do you ask?"

Milly stuck her tongue out. "You're mean."

The rest of the club laughed.


Jake stood on the roof and stared out at the sky through the chainlink fence, like the little emo man he was.

He had just finished singing a non-copyrighted song about how his friends were terrible and he hated his life, when-

"That was incredible, Jake!"

He whirled around and saw a girl with white hair applauding and looking gleeful. His heart skipped a beat.

"Your voice is amazing! ...Why didn't I know that before?"

"I- uh- I don't sing. I mean... I can sing, but... it's not really that big of a deal."

"No big deal!? You sing like an angel!"

"S-she thinks I'm an angel?" He simped internally.

[She doesn't :)]

"Hey!" Daisy said as an idea struck her. "You should join the music club! They're looking for new talent right now. You'd be perfect!"

"I...don't know about that."

"But Jake, it would be such a shame for your talent to go to waste! I would love to see you perform onstage for the competition!" She blinked her baby-doll eyes at him as a poorly disguised form of hypnosis.

"I-I'll join!" Jake said, his face going pink.

"That's great! They're practicing after school today. Here, have a spare leaflet," she said, producing a purple paper out of thin air.

"Thanks Daisy. A-Are you thinking of joining too?"

"Please say yes, please say yes!" Jake thought.

"Oh, no," Daisy said lightly and slightly apologetically. "I'm very busy with head girl duties. And I don't have any musical abilities anyway." She nervously chuckled the last part. "But I'll probably come and swing by every now and then!"

Jake smiled. "Y-yeah, I would love that! Uh, I mean, that'd be great."

"Great! I look forward to hearing you sing more. Well, I have to go. Head girl duties and all." She sounded slightly stressed at the last part. "See you around, Jake."

"See you around, Daisy."

Jake kept waving for a second even after Daisy had left, then lowered his hand with a stupid smile plastered across his face. "Aww, she's so cute," he thought to himself. "Wait, what did I just agree to again?"

end of chapter because I have very little motivation 🤩

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2023 ⏰

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