Part 2

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Love is a smoke made with the fume of sighs;

Being purg'd, a fire sparkling in lovers' eyes;

Being vex'd, a sea nourish'd with lovers' tears;

What is it else? A madness most discreet,

A choking gall, and a preserving sweet.

Aemond had never been in love before, never felt so much as the slightest inclination towards any lady at court. He'd been known to ridicule the very notion of love at first sight and had scorned those who professed to have experienced it, including his brother Aegon. He didn't know what to do with these new emotions. Pacing back and forth in his chambers, he rubbed at his chest as though he could erase his feelings for her. Visenya.

Why oh why did it have to be her? He was the son of the King. Any other lady at court was his for the taking. But no, he must fall for the daughter of Daemon Targaryen, his archnemesis. His uncle would never allow him to court Visenya, let alone wed her.

Oh, I am fortune's fool!

Had the Gods not already punished him enough by taking his eye? Perhaps he was cursed. His love was hopeless. And yet...

Visenya, his mind whispered her name over and over again. Visenya, Visenya, Visenya...

Already he longed to see her again, and it had only been a few hours since they'd danced together. The moment it had concluded, Daemon had come to reclaim his daughter himself, dashing any hopes Aemond might have cherished of being able to ask her to dance again.

His uncle had been smiling, but Aemond knew that smile. It was the way he'd looked at Lord Vaemond Velaryon right before he beheaded him. That smile was the Rogue Prince's own unique way of issuing a challenge. I dare you to come near my daughter again, it said. Only give me an excuse to kill you.

No doubt Daemon would relish having the power to deny Aemond what he now most wanted in life, sadistic bastard that he was. Aemond sighed and closed his eye. His mind conjured up a heavenly vision of Visenya's lovely face, her enchanting smile. His heart felt as if it were a brittle egg a baby dragon was trying to claw its way out of.

Sleep was impossible. He had to see her again, and he had to see her now.


Aemond had never bribed a servant before, but he knew it could be done. His brother Aegon engaged in this kind of behavior often enough. Coin in hand, the servant let slip which room Visenya had been assigned.

Feeling like an intruder in his own home, Aemond crept along the passageways of the Red Keep to Visenya's chambers. Peering around the corner, he spied a guard stationed outside her door. It wasn't one of theirs either, it was one of Daemons. Aemond cursed under his breath. Daemon's men were renowned for their loyalty to him. Whether this was because he paid them handsomely or because he threatened them with Caraxes was unknown. Regardless, the guard would not be allowing Aemond inside, no matter how much he offered him.

He should go back to his rooms. He should forget this insanity. Aemond rolled his lower lip through his teeth, weighing his options. He could not give up now. It would be unbearable to remain in his room all night torturing himself with his own indecision.

As it was he could not stand still, shifting restlessly from foot to foot, his fists clenching and unclenching. He was more awake than he'd ever been. He knew it was ridiculous, but he felt as though he'd die if he didn't see her.

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