Spade Pirates

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[Ace POV]

It was probably noon when I woke up, I lifted myself off the surprisingly comfy bed and down onto the cold hardwood floor. Trudging my way through the halls and out to the kitchen, I had noticed neither Caspian nor her father were around.

Until I remembered she said they were going fishing today. Surely, they haven't been out at sea all day, it's nearly noon. I rubbed my eyes and made my way to the fridge before stopping to read a note on the bench.

'Good morning sleepyhead, I left you some breakfast in the fridge, feel free to make eggs and bacon too. I bought too much yesterday. Dad and I will be out all day, looks like we'll get enough fish for a while! Have a peaceful day with Jack-ass and if you can, try to get in touch with your crew (There should be a transponder snail in the study).'
-Caspian :')

I smiled as I read the note, at least they were nice enough to give me breakfast. I wouldn't have expected people to be so hospitable to a criminal. I wandered over to the fridge scanning it for food. I found some homemade bread with butter next to it. There was a bowl of assorted fruits as well as a note by the bread.

'You can use the bread for toast, there's also fruit, eggs & bacon.'

I pulled the food out of the kitchen and began making breakfast, god toast takes forever to make. Once I had finished trying not to burn the toast or house, I made my way outside to the back porch, there was a small table facing the ocean with a rocking chair to the side. It was peaceful to say the least.

The grey skies clouded the horizon with black birds flying overhead. In the distance, I could see the small fishing boat I only assumed was Caspian and her father. Bobbing up and down in the calm waters. I had forgotten how nice it was to be on the land with how much time I spent on the Spadille. The lazy waves meandering their way in and out of shore made everything feel nice again.

'Sure must be fun to be out there.' I thought as I leaned back into the chair. I missed being able to swim but I was warm all the time, so it wasn't too bad it was a price to pay for being cozy all the time.

I think I understand why people choose to live on the land. There's something completely different about watching the ocean from land then on deck and I like that. Hearing the birds fly overhead and observing the little sea stars wash up on shore then leave to the ocean again. It reminded me of when I was young, I guess.

But I'd made my mind up long ago, to head to the ocean. That's where I'd met my close friend and right-hand man Deuce. I'm glad I'd met him; he was the brains and I was the... well I don't really know. Captain? But what good was a captain that told his crew to leave him on an island? I guess it was the want to protect my friends.

[3rd person POV]

Standing up from his seat, Ace made his way back inside. He'd remembered there was a transponder snail in Isakov's study which he could use to call his crew on. He took his now finished breakfast back into the kitchen, leaving it on the sink.

'I'll clean up later' He thought.

It had taken him a while to adjust to the house's peculiar layout, the rounded concrete walls where the cabin merged with the lighthouse contrasted nicely against the dark wooden beams supporting the roof. There were books and papers scattered about the hallway, most of which Ace didn't understand the contents of. Some looked like story books while others looked more formal.

Upon arriving at the room which he assumed was the study, he noticed from a window, the clouds rolling in from the west, the deep grey casting a bitter shadow on the sand and shore. It looked like there was going to be a storm that night. Ace reached for the worn-out brass doorknob turning it slowly in fear of its age it would fall off. He opened the door slowly and entered the study.

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