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[3rd person POV]

"Ace I'm headed into town to sell the fish from yesterday, want to come?" Caspian's voice rang out through the halls of the house.

"Sure but surely I'd be recognizable right." Ace replied walking out of his room running his fingers through his raven hair.

"You can borrow some of dads shirts, he wouldn't mind." The young woman insisted.

Ace nodded his head as Caspian hurried into her fathers room before exiting seconds after holding an array of coloured shirts and pants.

"Take your pick Portgas." Caspian smiled laying the clothes out on the table.

There on the table lay four shirts of varying colour. The young pirate scanned over each of them until a deep red one caught his eye. He picked it up carefully placing it over his shoulders and buttoning it up.

"You look like a farmer." Caspian chuckled.

"Don't place me on your level.." Ace frowned.

"Come on then farmer Ace, lets go." Cas sighed.

The two made their way out of the small lighthouse and into town, bags of fish thrown over their shoulders as they walked. The forest was dense and dark in the foggy morning they had found themselves in that day. The creatures swarmed and crawled around the two while they walked over the old mossy logs.

Eventually, they made their way into the small town of Mirth. Vendors setting up shop in the early morning as Caspian and Ace walked down into the markets. Caspian settled down besides a small store in between two other sops as though it had been squashed.

"We're here." Caspian smiled as she unlocked the door from a key on her belt chain.

Opening the door was a small, crowded shop with freezers lining the walls. Caspian began to dump the fish into the freezers with Ace following in suit. It had taken them about fifteen minutes to fill the freezers neatly and prepare the shop to open.

"We'll only be here for the morning," Caspian explained, "we sell to mainly other stores but we sometimes have townspeople come in as well. From stores we trade inventory and from townspeople we ask for money. Its fairer this way says dad."

"I see, anything I can help with?" The young pirate asked.

"Hmm, I mean you can help run the shop if you wish I don't mind." Caspian replied from the back of the store.

The morning ran smoothly, fish being sold by the bags, the two worked into the afternoon selling slimy bundles of fresh fish to villagers and businesses all the like. Even a few travellers stopped by making light conversation.

"Well that's the last of the fish, can you pack up what we gained? We'll take it back home." Caspian ordered kindly.

"Of course I can." Ace smiled back lifting the overflowing bag of traded goods onto his shoulder, "This should be everything."

Caspian nodded approvingly as she locked up the building. They made their way back home, this time the walks being filled with conversation of the people they'd met that morning. Now their conversations felt meaningful, not empty like they had when they first met.


"I'm so bored... what do you do around here for fun?"

Caspian turned her head to the pirate who'd taken his residence on the floor in the living room. Sprawled out like a sea star, he flailed his arms above his head like a child.

"Uhh... not much, we can go for a walk on the beach but other than that it's a make your own fun household." Caspian said rolling her eyes at her childish friend.

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