Guest Lecturer

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National University of Singapore, her alma mater as well as her work place for the past years, was seen busy with the bustling of students here and there. Some were having their break on the park, sitting on the bench or on the grass while reading their books and previous class's notes with their friends or alone, some were talking and joking around with their own circle, letting out the stress in their head after hours of lecture.

The lecturers were seen busy as well in the meeting room, discussing a sudden matter that one of them suggested earlier and being scheduled as well in their agenda of the first half of the year; guest lectures. Mostly, the guest lecturers were chosen from their successful alumni and it became one of their best programs each academic year.

"It's wise to say that the agenda of the guest lecture became a very expected program in our faculty. What do you think about it, Miss Rhee?" asked the head of the faculty, Earon Hawt. "Yes, I do agree. Our students showed bigger enthusiasm in each guest lecture that we held. The number of attendees increased significantly each year and I think we can proceed with more lectures for this year." Fransesca answered.

The proud looks from her three closest friends who were now also her colleagues could be seen as they saw how the head of the faculty even trusted her for this particular project. Yes, everyone knew that Fransesca Adelaidine was one of the senior professors in the institution. One of the most respected professors in the country as well, in terms of the art and design field.

She became what she's today because of her hard work for the past years. She did it to provide all the needs for her daughter and without realizing it, she achieved what most people wanted to achieve. She achieved what she never thought she could.

"Do we have the lists of the possible guest lecturers for the first half of the year, Miss Rhee?"

"I believe that Miss Erickson is in charge of that matter, Sir."

Miss Erickson then stood up and handed the head of the faculty the list of names she's been researching out from the alumni list. Then, the copies were sent as links to everyone's email in which all of the lecturers started to skim the names. Her heart stopped when Fransesca saw the name of the man she's been avoiding to discuss, meet, or remind of.

"In my opinion, Mr Clayton Nicholas Kingsley should be the first to be announced and invited. His popularity in the architecture business field became super well-known these days across the United States and I've confirmed the news of his return to Singapore along with his wife, who's also a successful businesswoman, though not an alumni of this university. I believe that inviting him would attract more students." Erickson stated in front of everyone.

Soon, not only Fransesca's smile that was seen dropped from her face, but the other three; Naira, Estelle, and Rachel. They realized the professor's sudden facial expression change when they also saw and heard the name being mentioned in the room. It was inevitable, in terms of professionality of work. And they knew how hard Fransesca tried to stay calm and okay in this kind of situation she never expected to be in.

"He also taught students back in the days at Nanyang Technological University. I believe he's been your lecturer in the past, Miss Adelaidine?" asked the old man, in which Fransesca awkwardly nodded to. "Yes, Sir. He's my lecturer, along with three other lecturers here. With all of his achievements past and present, I think it's wise to invite the man as a guest lecture here. It would be a delight for us to have him around and for the students as well." Fransesca replied.

When nobody noticed, she lowered her head and sighed while turning off the microphone in front of her. Not wanting anyone to hear what she just did. It was hard for her to hear this name. He realized, no matter how hard she tried to avoid him, having him in the same small country would be a hard one as well. The social circle and the profession they were in, it's impossible. The similarities they both were in became the disaster itself.

"Miss Adelaidine, are you okay?"

The lass quickly changed her sitting position and smiled at the head of the faculty. "Yes, I'm okay. Sorry, Sir." she replied quickly after turning her microphone on again. "You look pale. If you feel unwell, we can postpone the meeting or send you the summary of today's meeting?" he proposed, in which Fransesca shook her head as a reply.

"No, thank you. I'm okay. Let's proceed to the next discussion of the other candidates for the guest lecturers." Fransesca flashed a smile on her face to every lecturer in the room, trying to reassure them that she's okay and nothing should be worried about her.

"So, you're in with Clayton Nicholas Kingsley as the guest lecturer?"

"He's more than qualified to be chosen. Yes, Sir."

Though her heart wanted to say no, she couldn't bring herself to say it. Fransesca knew that she shouldn't mix her personal problems with work and if it's the only way, then so be it. Nothing that she can do over this matter.

The next thing they did was to screen and discuss the other names on the list. Whether they're eligible and capable of being a guest lecturer or not for their regular agenda. It wasn't easy, but Fransesca did her best to stay calm and okay for the rest of the meeting; before she was found breaking down in tears back in the restroom by her three friends, soon after the meeting ended.

The heart never lies, indeed.

to be continued.

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