A common phrase thrown around a lot is "when one door colses, another one opens" yes this might be the case but it's also the case that I still look back at our door to see if it's locked. When reading you favorite book you mark the pages of chapters you love, you write in the margins, you highlight your characters names. Your name is highlighted in my book and your chapter is folded down because it was one of my favorites and so I can go revisit them in my dark places. Like most I got attached to you being my favorite character way too quickly and one night the chapter ended but it felt so unfinished. But highlighter in hand, I still go through and I still read flipping through the pages, writing in the margins and folding down the pages of my favorite parts, highlighting names and phrases I love throughout the way, and still in my bag is the highlighter I used for your name just in case it pops up again. When one door closes another one opens, but what if the door closed and locked me inside the room because it locks on the outside and there's no doors left in the room. Just the window, I spend so much of my time sitting by and watching the cars pass by. I grab my book and highlighter and all my supplies and out the window I go. I start the journey down the dark road as I see cars drive down. And at the end there's a door but it's not a strait journey to the door, there's so many obstacles so book in hand, I start the process that's gonna lead me to this next door out of the darkness that the window now led me too.