Christine's Future

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7 September 2022

After the discussion between the couple that ended up with a no, Fransesca and Clayton decided to discuss the matter with their daughter together. The sudden wish that Christine told her father regarding her high school decision caused a turmoil of opinions between the husband and wife. Fransesca, the woman who won't let her daughter go far away and Clayton, the man who allowed his daughter to study abroad.

For Fransesca, the decision was too sudden. Not to mention that she never went to that country, not Christine herself. They didn't know how the school actually was, the curriculum, the living cost, tuition, nor other supporting details that she should've learned about for weeks. She never visited the school, so she's not convinced with everything that Clayton told her about.

Christine was also her only daughter. She never went far away from the young lady. Fransesca and Christine became a package no one could separate them from. They clicked with each other all the time, and spent almost their whole life with no one but each other. Prior to Clayton's presence back in their life, they had no one but each other. It was something understandable, that the woman won't let her go somewhere far, in a different continent from her.

Now, they were seated on the living room's couch with Christine providing some printed papers full of information regarding the school she actually wanted to go to for years on the table. Clayton could only smile, as he knew how determined the young girl was to convince her mother.

"So, tell me. Tell me with this sudden change of heart? What's with all the sudden change, Christine?"

Fransesca asked her daughter regarding the issue.

"I always wanted to study there, mommy. But I know that you're working day and night by yourself and to actually apply yourself in such an expensive and prestigious school, I can't. I don't have the heart to see you working harder than you are already, it breaks my heart. So I decided to study at Nanyang Girls High School instead of trying my luck to study there."

To hear those words come out from her lips, it hurts Fransesca's heart so much. How she couldn't afford the things her daughter wanted to have or experience just because of her mistake in the past and all the ego she held. She wanted to cry but she held it inside, not wanting to show her weak side in front of her daughter.

"Now that we have daddy and things are pretty different from the past, I wanted to let you two know that I wanted to study at Institut Le Rosey. I've always wanted to study there." Christine added.

"You've never been outside Singapore, Christine. You've never traveled far from me. You have never been to Switzerland or the school itself, so tell me why? Why are you so determined to convince us to let you study there?" Fransesca asked. "Switzerland is not a country next door like Malaysia or Indonesia, Christine. It's in Europe. Far from here."

"All that you need is to put in some trust, mommy." Christine said as she showed her all the information on the table, trying to convince Fransesca once again to let her study abroad. "Vincent is also there. I'll not be alone or whatsoever. I'll study and make you proud. That's my only goal. I just want to make you happy and proud with what I achieved and I promise to make you feel that way."

Clayton exchanged his gaze multiple times as he wanted to make sure that both Fransesca and Christine were okay. He followed every question and answer that both exchanged to each other. The man knew how much Fransesca was hurting from those words that Christine never intended. Christine just told her what she felt and the truth was indeed, painful.

"Mommy, I know that you'll always see me as a little girl. As your baby. But now, I'm 15. Next year, I'm turning 16. I'm getting older and I want to try to live an independent life as well. Not fully, but step by step. This is the beginning. I have my plans towards my future. I've told you about all of it in the past, again and again. I want to follow your steps, as a lecturer. I want to be a professor just like you. I believe Institut Le Rosey could provide me with more opportunities towards the end of my high school days later." Christine explained, longer than before, emphasizing her plan for the future.

The woman closed her eyes as she felt dizzy. She felt super dizzy for no reason, out of nowhere. The discussion between her and Christine certainly was not the reason, as she felt it came from something much bigger than that. She felt it physically, not from the pressure she felt mentally.

She tried to listen to every single explanation that Christine did to her as she opened her eyes slowly. But then, the light that entered struck her into another phase of dizziness. Her facial expression said it all as Fransesca quickly grabbed her husband's hand tight. Christine quickly paused and asked her mother.

"Mommy? Are you okay?"

Clayton quickly checked on his wife before he shook his head in worry. "This is why I told you to stop working so hard. You need to stop working, Fransesca. I've told you that I can provide you with what you need. All you need is a rest." he said as he helped his wife to stand, walking her back into the bedroom.

He turned his head at Christine and sighs. "We'll talk about this later, okay? When your mommy is better."

Meanwhile, the man took her for a rest on the bed, covering her thin body with a white blanket.

"What is it that you feel?"

"Nauseous. Dizzy."

"Did you eat this morning? Last night?"

Fransesca shook her head as she shut her eyes and tried to shoo away the pain from her head. "I'll make you a cup of warm tea, okay? Rest. We'll talk about this matter with Christine when you're much better."

As Clayton left the room for the kitchen, he felt worried. He became anxious over what happened to Fransesca just now. He's worried that this would be an effect from her never ending hardwork for the past sixteen years and he knew he should step in.

to be continued.

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