Debris 1

6 1 0

- Nee-chan~! Come down here and hang out with me~ Please~

- Haiz... Just this time

- Yeah! You're the best!

- So, where are we going to go?

- I dunno... I thought nee-chan won't go with me...

- Hm~ How about ■□■□□■?

- It's a good idea. Then ■□□■□■■?

- Yup, □□■


Where am I?


I'm in a hospital after being saved


What's with that dream recently?

The end of the dream, I can't hear it audiably

What did they say?

But in the first place, who are they?

I can't see their faces either

It's just nostalgic


It so sarcastic that I - the one can't even remember who I am - care about them - the strangers


I just need...

Keep the promise


What promise is it?

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