
5 1 0

- Um... um...

My close friend is holding something

But more important, she is blushing with embarrassment!?

Her face definitely will be exploded if someone do something wrong!

- Wh...what's up?

The thing in her hands is shown out. It's a pretty cute strawberry‐shaped hair clip

- I think... this hair clip will fit you well

- Thank you so much!

I say when hugging her with all of my emotion

- It's time for bed! Brush your teeth and go to bed now! If you stay up late, you'll be disciplined

Our babysitter prompt us

- Ah! It's already late! G...goodbye, see you tomorrow!

I wave my hand and give her a smile to answer her

- Bye~

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2023 ⏰

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