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When you arrived at school you walked into your first hour, human growth and development, when you sat down at your table the bell rang. Immediately your teacher started talking about babies and shit.

After 5 minutes, someone knocked on the door. The teacher opened the door and there stood a brown haired boy.  Immediately he made eye contact with you making you quickly look away. The teacher quickly realized this was the new student.

"Ah you must be the new student! Would you like to introduce yourself to the class?"
"Oh um sure." He said turning to the class and waving.
"My names Patrick, Patrick Swayze." He stated not breaking eye contact with you.

After a few classes it came lunch time. You sat down at your lunch table with your friends, Ninette  , Joan and Alexis.
"OH MY GOD! ZAYDEN TOTALLY GOT JEALOUS IN ENGLISH!" Alexis said practically screaming.
"Oh my really??" Ninette asked deeply interested in what Alexis had to say.
Joan sat there coloring in her serial killer coloring book listening to her music overbearingly loud since I could hear it halfway across the table. I leaned over the table to tap Joan on the shoulder to get her attention but was startled when someone walked up to the table.
"Uh hello ladies" I looked up and saw Patrick.
"I um. Hello?" I said shyly.
"I was wondering if I would be able to take a seat with you girls." He asked.
"Um yeah sure." I said as all my friend looked at me like I was crazy. Except Joan she was still engulfed by her music. She's so nice was currently playing. I'm surprised Patrick wasn't scared off yet. Joan clearly was being the weirdo she always is. 
"So.... What brings you to Bald Man?" I asked him.
"Eh my dad got a job, forcing us to move" he said looking down at his lunch tray.
"Oh.." I whispered.
"Oh it's fine. I like it here. It's quite.. beautiful." He suavely said staring deep in my eyes causing me to heat up.

Oh god.. I can't like feel this with the new kid..


Thank god for the bell..

"Well that's the bell. I probably should head to class." I said quickly standing up, "oh well can I get your name?" He asked.
"I um. Y/N" I said quickly turning around and speeding walking to gym.

Patrick Swayze X You know who you are 👁️👁️Where stories live. Discover now