- Tutorial -

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3rd P.O.V.

"Summon my very own fleet? like making ships out of thin air?" Connor asked out loud. Since he was alone on a small island, talking internally was not needed. Although if some random bystander or some spy listened to his conversation with air, then he's gonna have some necessary questions that need to be answered.

"Well not exactly make them, but you summoned them to be in your fleet!" the Observer, Warren, said with a cheerful tone.

"And how am I going to do that?" he asked Warren, confused about how to make his own fleet, "You know it's impossible to summon my own fleet out of thin air right?" he asked him.

He then heard Warren chuckle, "Young man you amuse me, of course, it's impossible to summon anything out of thin air, but with your powers, it can be achieved! simple as that!"

After that Connor began to ponder for a bit, if what Warren said is true, then maybe the possibility of creating his own fleet is actually possible. After all, he did say before that he would be given powers to the new world, so the possibility is there.

He already established that this wasn't a dream either, after meeting Warren in god knows where and getting sent here through a portal felt real, not to mention that he went back as a young man again. This is a practically impossible thing to do if you're living on Earth with their current technology, unless if its plastic surgery then it doesn't work that way since they don't have the technology to do reverse aging.

Make sense? probably not.

Now the question is, how actual heck does he even use his powers?

"But how do I even use my powers, to begin with?" he asked Warren since he's the person who gave him powers, why not ask him for guidance?

"Oh silly me, let me bring up the interface for you to interact with. Since I already gave you your rigging, you should automatically get your ship and the type. And pray to my Father that RNG gave you something good."

"RNG? what's that?" Connor asked, not knowing what RNG is in the gaming community since he wasn't really interested in games since, well, his old. Not that he hated games, but work comes first.

"Don't worry about that." then something flickered in front of Connor, surprising him with the sudden appearance of blue light in front of him, "Since you are still new to your powers, you don't know how to open your interface, so what I did was making it appear since you don't know the command to open it."

Then a large blue screen appeared in front of me, it was the size of a large tv.

"And that should do it!"

Just like that, a holographic screen popped up out of nowhere in front of Connor, making him flinch back from the sudden appearance since he didn't expect something to just appear in front of him like that.

"Jesus that scared me!" Connor exclaimed, spooked by the sudden appearance. After calming himself down for a bit, he checked the holographic screen to see if it has some content in it, which there is.

 After calming himself down for a bit, he checked the holographic screen to see if it has some content in it, which there is

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