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Was it a dream?

If it was , he wished it would last forever, he wanted to be stuck in that dream .

But eventually he had to wake up , and find out that indeed it wasn't a dream , it was real , everything was real , what they shared yesterday night was very real .

He opened his eyes to find his face buried the crock of her neck , her skin against his , his arms wrapped around her waist , her bare back against his bare chest , they were sleeping in a spoon position, he was the big spoon .

He smiled to himself a little bit printing a soft kiss on her shoulder , he was quick to stop smiling when he actually started to think about it .

They just had sex , no it almost felt like making love .

And did he expect her to just act cool with it when she wakes up , of course not , she will start her defense mechanism or whatever again , and try to push him away like she always does , she pushes people away and hurt them whenever she gets too close with them .

He frowned a little readying himself to when she will wake up , he would never hear the end of it.

He stopped overthinking when he felt her moving against his arm , yes .. she was waking up .

She opened her eyes , yawning a little bit , then she felt the hand on her waist , she almost flinched when she touched his arm , like she forgot that there was someone with her in her bed .

Seconds later she relaxed and turned her body around , facing him , he didn't say anything , he just stared at her face that he can't imagine going another day without seeing ..

He forgot how he used to live before her .

She looked up at him , his hand still on her waist , they didn't say anything, they just kept staring at eachother, for a minutes or so .

Then she did the unexpected, he was expecting her to just leave and ignore him for the rest of her life , well she did not .

She was caressing his cheek with her hand , in a gentle way, he leaned closer to her hand , starved for her touch , he closed his eyes in satisfaction with a small smile on his lips .

«good morning angel»

She smiled as well at the nickname , her hand still caressing his cheek , jawline ..
then her smile started fading away slowly , her eyes looking more sad, like how they normally look like .

She opened her mouth to say something, but was interrupted with him putting his finger on her lips , stopping her from speaking.

«don't, i know whatever you're gonna say is sad and it's gonna ruin the mood , let me enjoy this moment, then you can leave if you want»  he uttered quickly, faking a cold normal expression on his face

𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐓 𝐈𝐓 𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐊 [ 𝙍𝘼𝙉 𝙃𝘼𝙄𝙏𝘼𝙉𝙄 ]Where stories live. Discover now