keep it real with you, i would kill for you

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Tears welled up in Audrina's eyes. Not only was she disgusted with him, but herself as well. What really set her off was that her father would have known, he would have seen it, and yet if he had told her she would have never believed him. Even after everything that happened, she would have dismissed the very obvious.

"You're fucking sick." Her voice shook in an uneven whisper. There was no point in trying to present a strong, firm, and composed act when she looked like anything but that.

Ethan felt his heart drop at the sentence. How could she not see that he did this for her? It started off as simple revenge and the plan was simple. Hang out with them, earn their trust, kill them, but he hadn't counted on actually liking her. No, fuck that, he hadn't counted on actually loving her. And love made crazy even crazier.

The roommate who dissed her father's death as a joke? He stabbed her in the heart so she could feel Audrina's pain. The dick who pushed past her and didn't bother to help her pick up her books? He stabbed him in both eyes so that way he really couldn't see where he was going. Not that he'd ever be going anywhere again. And Anika? Though her words barely affected Audrina to a minimum, Ethan saw the way her face fell. Needless to say after roughing her up for fun, he saw more than her face fall when she died.

He killed them for her. They died for her. The world wasn't kind, he knew that, so he'd play at it's unfair level and smite anything and or anyone who puts his girl at a disadvantage. He'd give anything to see her with a smile on her face, but right now she was here looking at him with a look in her eyes that had him on his knees, ready to beg for her forgiveness. Ready to get rid of any doubt of what they were in her mind, what they could still be.

"It wasn't the plan to have you find out, you were never supposed to find out. Audri, I'm sorry." He said softly. He wanted to be sincere, he was sincere, if he could take tonight back, he would. He didn't expect her to hanging out with the group again so soon after the big argument she had with them. Just thinking about the argument made him want to go find each and every one of them and slit their throats. And while he hadn't anticipated them being split up on the Subway, the last thing he ever expected her to do was walk into the men's bathroom to witness him murdering the walking STD from Halloween. 

Audrina's eyes were shut tight, not being able to stand the sight of him. God knows that if she did, she'd see the innocent gleam in his eyes and the way he still held her on this pedestal, even with her crouched into a corner, two feet away from him.

"Audrina open your eyes and look at me." He was firm with the sentence, which scared her into the submission of opening her eyes and looking at him. There in all their glory were the innocent, love-sick eyes filled with authentic guilt. Was he genuinely sorry or was he just that good at acting like it?

"I would never hurt you." Ethan looked her in the eye and with the most serious tone of voice. "Not like that," He motioned to the knife that was laid on the floor on the other side of the room, "not on purpose." He knew that enough emotional damage was done, that the distress currently in her was his doing.

Sobs wracked through her body as he said everything to her. How could he still have the nerve to try and console her with lies? He looked so real, in a comforting way, and his touch was so gentle that it felt like a daydream, but it was just that. A daydream, a fantasy, a facade. Audrina was weak in this moment, truly and utterly weak. Her father's strength couldn't give her the courage to lift her up even if it was graced down upon her right at that moment.

"You..." She took a breath amongst her crying to try and get the words out without being inaudible or difficult to understand, "You don't mean that."

How could he? He was a psychotic killer.

Ethan scooted closer to her and while she had every reason and intention to try and back herself further into the wall or kick him away or something to put some space in between them, she didn't move. Staying still, she let him come closer in fear that if she did something to upset him, he'd only hurt her sooner. He reached his hand to tuck a strand of fallen hair behind her ear, all so he could get a look at that beautiful face he had fallen in love with. From there he gently slid his gloved hand down to the side of her face, cupping her cheek with such care that Audrina couldn't flinch even if she wanted to.

He looked the girl in the eye, biting his lip in adoration as the fear in Audrina melted down into confusion. No ghostface mask to conceal him from her, no partner to pressure him with motives, it was just him being with her. His heart pounded in his chest, so hard that it was amazing she didn't hear it from their close proximity and the silence filling the air. She'll never know how much control she truly has over him, no matter the situation.

"I mean it, Audrina." He examined her parted lips and the way her eyes naturally darted down to his, even when she did everything in her power for it not to happen, the way those damned tears stained her beautiful face, the way she remained still so fucking ethereal to him as the helpless victim. She was a victim to those who took her for granted and he'd happily make sure that never happened again.

"God," He groaned at the doe-eyed look she naturally served, still very confused on whether if she was supposed to be scared or not, "don't you know that you could have anything with me? I'd hurt anyone for you. They see through you, but all I see is just you. You're all I ever look for."

She knew something was wrong. Something had to be if pushing him the fuck away from her wasn't her first choice of action. In fact, he was so close, speaking those words to her, it made her almost forget he was the one underneath the mask and wielding the knife.


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