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Fuck all roommates.

It was the ultimate thought. Chad was honestly the biggest pain up Ethan's ass. And it seemed like Tara couldn't even stand the thought of Sam at the moment. And right now? Audrina was full on serving her fist up to anyone who was willing to bark at her about her father.

Sam had a drink spilled all on her when Audrina's roommate came up to the older Carpenter sister and started calling her names. That wasn't that bothered Audrina. What bothered her was when her roommate started bringing up how her father was only dead because of Sam. They were sick and twisted the death of a loved one to fit their childish taunting, and the only thing that came out of it was several facial wounds.

It was safe to say that Audrina would be looking for a new roommate soon enough. That thought alone had Ethan's lightbulb lighting up. How couldn't it? With the way she was angry, but not in a hotheaded way. It was a sad, mourning kind of angry. Where she was seeing flickers of both blue and red at the same time, the sadness and the anger together creating the most painful type of grief.

Ethan and Chad had to drag Audrina away before any more damage was done to her bitch of a roommate. Before she could get too far, she spat on her, blood and saliva mixed together as the girl on the floor shrieked in disgust.

Chloe (the bitchy roommate) held her nose as her own friends guided her away from the group of Woodsboro's finest.

Adrenaline was flowing through her veins, but not in the way where it produced excitement. She was high off the feeling of pent up rage and deep down she knew Chloe was wrong, but it felt so right to blame Sam and Tara for the death of her father. She begged him with tears in her eyes not to go, that her mom was in town and that maybe they could have a chance to rekindle what they thought they had lost. He was the one to reassure her that he would be okay and even went as far as to make plans for after he came back.

Except he never did. And Sam was the one to give her the 'he saved my sister' speech, explaining that if he hadn't gone, Tara wouldn't be alive. But in that very moment, Audrina didn't care. She had only known Sam and Tara for a few years when she came to Woodsboro with her dad after the separation. She had known her father her whole entire life, and she knew damn well that she'd need him forever. Not his legacy, not his memory, him.

On the way back to Sam's the whole group was silent. Sam clutched the three tissues Ethan had given her, thought it didn't do much for her shirt. Tara walked a little ahead of Sam with Mindy and Anika walking beside her, leaving Chad and Ethan with Audrina to calm her down.

"Audri—" Chad was stopped by the girl before he could even finish his sentence.

"Don't tell me that it's okay. It's not okay. She's a total bitch." She told Chad as she was still trying to blow off whatever steam that stuck with her from her altercation with her roommate.

"Agreed." Sam chimes in from ahead.

Just because the girl was insulting both Sam and Audrina, it didn't meant mean the two were automatically friends. It was so easy to blame Sam for her dad's passing when she acted all high and mighty about it. Yes, Tara survived, and that was good news and all, but what was the price? There always seemed to be a cost and this time it was too high. Audrina couldn't remember the last time she felt so angry other than the time Sam had explained what had happened to Dewey.

"If it weren't for him, my sister would be dead."

It was a juvenile thought and a malicious want, but Audrina would have rather seen her father walk out of the hospital that day. How in the world was it fair for his last moments to be spent protecting a total stranger? Maybe if he had his police status it wouldn't have bothered her so much, but she couldn't be certain about that.

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