The story of Y/N L/N

864 11 14

A hero the strongest in the world shall save us all

A normal day as everyone is just enjoying it until a explosion happens nearby a monster appears and starts destroying the city

Monster: I shall destroy this world and all the weakling that live on it

Many people start running away as the monster continue to destroy everything the police show up and start shooting the monster but the monster doesn't get hurt

Monster: You think these puny little weapons can hurt me!?

The monster grab all the weapons and easily destroys them it then grab the police cars and starts tossing them around

Monster: No one can stop me

Police officer: Hello anyone there I need backup quick I repeat I need backup.

The monster grabs the police officer and looks at him in the eye

Monster: You think your little backup will save you? Hahahaha nothing will be able to save you or this pathetic planet.

The monster goes to kill the officer but before it can someone punches the monster as it is sent flying into a building as the officer falls on the ground

???: You alright?

Police officer: Yeah I'm alr- wait I know you your Y/N.

Everyone stops running when they hear your name

Man 1: Did he say Y/N

Man 2: The Y/N the strongest in the world

Y/N: Yep the one and only

Man: We're saved!

Crowd: Hooray!

The monster then comes out of the building and roars making the crowd go silent

Monster: Who did that!?

Y/N: It was me

Monster: And who are you?

Y/N: I'm Y/N

Monster: Y/N so your the strongest in the world?

Y/N: Yep and your the monster that caused all this destruction.

Monster: That's right now that your here I'll kill you!

The monster comes to attack you and tries to kill you but you easily dodge and punch it in the chest it then gets more angry the monster tries to grab you but you dodge it again and kick it in the stomach and sent it flying back

Man: Yes his winning

Woman: His going to defeat that ugly monster.

Monster: Impossible how am I losing?

Y/N: It's simple cause I'm stronger.

Monster: Grrrr this ain't over I'll rip your head off!

The monster attacks you again but you take out your sword and stab it in the chest the monster screams out in pain you take your sword out of it's chest then you cut it's arm off the monster looks at it's arm and starts to get really mad

Monster: My arm you'll pay for that!

The monster attacks you from behind but you turn around and cut it's head off the monster head falls on the ground as well as it's body

Man: He did it he won

The crowd begins to cheer then they all come running to you they then all pick you up and start tossing you in the air

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