A old rival

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You are sparring with Ichigo while Issei and Kiba watch Ichigo swings his sword at you you punch him in the stomach stunning him you then kick him in the chest sending him back

Issei: Y/N really improved

Kiba: Yes his gotten really strong.

Ichigo: Not bad Y/N you've gotten stronger.

Y/N: Thanks

You are about to attack Ichigo when the ground starts to shake then a monster comes out of the ground

Y/N: What's that

Ichigo: I don't know it doesn't seem to be a hollow.

Issei: Let's take it down

Ichigo strikes the monster with his sword making it scream in pain Kiba then stabs the monster in the eye Issei fires his dragon shot while you fire your Ryujin hitting the monster

Y/N: I think we did it.

The smoke clears showing the monster is still standing

Issei: That didn't do it

Kiba: It fine it's weak we can easily kill it.

The monster then sheds it skin and doesn't seem to be in pain anymore

Y/N: What the

Ichigo: Did that thing just shed?

Issei: Yeah I think it did.

Kiba: It also seemed to have healed itself keep your guard up this thing is dangerous.

Before any of you could do anything a beam hits the monster in the chest the monster then collapse

Y/N: What just happened

Kiba: Someone fired that beam.

Ichigo: But who

Someone then appears on the monster

Issei: Hey guys who's that?

You all look and see someone on the monster the person look at Ichigo Kiba and Issei then looks at you

???: Well if it isn't Y/N L/N.

Y/N: Who are you?

???: I see you've managed to unlock your power but still weak as ever.

Y/N: Wait a minute it can't be.

Issei: You know this guy Y/N.

You look at the person as he looks at you

Y/N: Kakatte

Y/N: Kakatte

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Kakatte: So you still remember me.

Y/N: What are you doing here?

Kakatte: Taking care of these monsters but I don't have time to talk I have more problems to deal with.

Kakatte leaves

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