CHAPTER 10: what if

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Its a busy week for me and Bible and we haven't seen each other for a while. Only me and him know our relationship we kept it private since his father knows he will marry that girl. But he's wrong, our play is just started.

Maybe he's busy this days coz of his father, and yet he's still updating me about things.

"Knock knock knock" someone is knocking at the door, I opened it and I saw my dearest cousin, Nodted.

"Swadee kha Phi!!(hello)" Nodt shout and hugged me.

"I miss youuu, where's my chocolate??" I said and he laugh.

"Really? You care more about chocolates??" He said and pouted.

"HAHAHAHAH, it's a joke, ofc I care about you" I said and huggs him again

"Btw, here's your chocolates and I brought you your favorite  cupcakes" he said and my eyes just sparks.

"OMYYYY, thankyouuu, you're the best" I said and grab the foods and put it in the refrigerator. He sat down at the sofa and keep looking at everything.

"Everything changed" he said while keeping an eye to me.

"Yup, everything" I repeated and sat down beside him.

"Imagine, it's just 10 years...." He said.

"10 years but I think that trauma is still there, beside you" I said. Yes, he got trauma, he is depressed, social anxiety is killing him that time.

"Yup, I tried to forget everything, I tried to move on but nothing..... nothing happens, every night I dreamed about that, that fcking sucks" he said and layed down to hug me. I let him rant all of his pain, that's what I can do, all I can do is to listen.

" Everything is gonna be fine, just trust yourself okay? Phi is always here beside you, even if everyone turned their back to you, phi will be here, standing for you, I trust you Nodt, I know u can do all of it, cheer up. I always be here" I said and calms him down, it's getting late so I let him stay at my house for a night, I don't mind at all.


"Goodmorning phi— oh" he shout while I'm on the kitchen, then he saw Bible sitting at the sofa. He ran towards me and ask me.

"Who's that boy?" He whispered at my ears.

"He's Bible, my man" I said

"Bibleeee??" I shout and bibs just ran up towards me

"Yes?, Oh" I heard him saying that in a low voice.

"He's Nodted, Nodted this is Bible my man" I said and the two do a shake hands.

After a while, we eat, talked, and laugh together then after that Nodted proceed to go to his home.

"Bye phi!" He shout as he start the engine of his car. I waved my hands in respond. Then I close the door.

"You didn't said that you're going here~~" I said while he is back hugging me

"You didn't said that your Cousin is here naa~~" he replied and kissed me at my cheeks.

"So cheesyy, stopp" I said but he still kissing me at my both cheeks.

"I miss you" here he is, becoming soft Infront of me.

"I miss you too love" I said and kissed him into his cheeks.

He cuddles me as we sit at the sofa.

After a while we go at the cafe , Tong is there with the gang. They called earlier and told me that they're going at the cafe.

After some minutes we arrived at my coffee shop I saw the gang there and we just park at the parking slot. After I and him get out of the car, my staffs and workers greeted me.

"Good morning Khun Build" ("Khun" is use to address people formally) the staffs said.

"Good morning!" I replied at them, bible just let me go at the gang first then he will follow me since we are low-key for now.

"Buildddd!! Imissyouuu" tong said and welcomed me.

"P'Bui!!" Barcode greeted.

"Brooo" Apo said

"Hey cutie!" Us waved.

"Eyyy, my bro" Bas greeted and waved.

"Hey man" Job said.

"Heyyyy guysssss I miss youu allll" I replied and give them a hug.

Everyone gone silent after Bible walked towards us trying not to look at him, except tong who made an ugly face looking at Bible.

"Oi? What are you doing here Bible?" Tong said.

"Nothing Phi, I wanna order coffee" bible said then smirk.

"Oh, there are vacant table, u can sit there" Tong said and points at the vacant table.

"Okay, phi. Thanks." Bible said and smirk, then go to the table.

"So what's up?" I ask.

"We planned a swimming this week, are u free?" Apo asked.

"Let me think about that" I said.

"Don't be kill joy, go with us" tong said.

"Aish, okay okay" I said.

"Yeyyyy" all of them clap their hands and jump in happiness

After some talks I proceed to go home, I wanna sleep I'm tired and drain i don't know why but sometimes I feel like this.

When I got home, I go to my room and hugs a pillow. And here it goes, what ifs got up on my mind. "What if his dad doesn't like me" , "what if his dad take bible away from me?".

I need to trust my love for Bible no matter what happens. Him is the one who I gave my whole trust. He's mine now, no one can change that.

Ily Bible, let's be together and face our fears.


Here is the chap10, sorry for not updating this days, Im so busy with dance practices and now it's already done so I can update more. Who miss Build? Ofc we are. We miss him every single second of our lives, let's be strong naaaaa

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