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episode one, part two

same outfit ^^^


The screen turns back on to show the mystery girl unpacking the car and heading inside.

"Hello?" She says to see if anyone is home and as she does she hears what sounds like a stampede running to the entrance.

"Lizzie!" Her whole family screams when they see her.

"I'm back bitches!" Lizzie exclaims as they rush to hug her.

"She reminds me of you." Reggie says to his older brother making him smile and nod.

"How was boarding school?" Her father Ward asks as he embraces her.

"Boarding school?" JJ asks.

"Yeah It is very good for college." Lizzie responds with a smile.

"It was amazing, I can't believe I haven't been in Outer Banks since I was 8." Lizzie answers with a smile.

"I can since we visited you every weekend in the Bahamas and we got wast-." Her older sister Sarah starts to say before getting cut off by Liz.

"Well I truly did miss this place." Lizzie says hugging her baby sister Wheezie.

"And we missed you." Her older brother Rafe says smiling at her.

"I also heard there is gonna be a hurricane right after I arrive, is that true?" She asks her stepmom Rose.

"Sadly hunny it is." Rose says with a disappointed sigh.

"We should probably live today up then?" Lizzie says as the camera pans to her smirk as the screen goes off.


The screen turns back on to show John B sitting in a chair in a DCS office.

"John, it's come to our attention that you are an unemancipated minor
living on your own." The social worker tells him.

"No... No. No." JB denies.

"I need honesty to help you. That's what we both want, right?" She says.

"Yeah. I'm being honest." He tells her.

"Okay, then when is the last time you spoke to your uncle?" She asks.

"Uh... 34 minutes ago." He answers.

"Liar much?" Sarah teases him making him nudge her.

"When's the last time you saw him?" She questions.

"Two hours and... 43 minutes ago?" He tells her.

"John, we're gonna come out there tomorrow to talk to your uncle." She says.

"If he's not there, we're gonna move forward with foster care. I want to assure you, we're gonna find you a safe and loving home." She tells him with seriousness as the screen changes to the pogues.

"They actually thought I was gonna be happy to hear that." John B voice overs.

"Jefferson." Pope says laughing

"And that's where this story starts. My dad missing, my uncle MIA, and the Bride of Frankenstein
threatening foster care." John B says still voiceovering.

"Mrs. Jefferson was the Swamp Thing." Pope continues.

"But I caught a break." John B finishes.

"Hurricane Agatha continues its steady march towards Kildare Island on the Outer Banks of North Carolina..." The reporter says on the TV.

"Holy shit. Hurricane Agatha, coming in the same day DCS was supposed to do my assessment." JB says as the screen changes again to him walking on a pier.

"How convienent." Sirius jokes.

"Hey, Howie." John B says walking past him as alarms are blarring.

"I need some sandbags over here!" Someone shouts.

"We gotta board this up!" Another person says as John B calls DCS.

"DCS, can I help you?" The receiver says.

"Yeah, uh... I think we're probably gonna have to reschedule." John B says smirking as the screen changes again to JB & Pope running on the beach.

"It's a double overhead out there, bro." Pope says looking concerned.

"Double overhead?" John B questions.

"Those aren't surfable waves, bro." Pope says.

"Says who? Whoo!" JB says laughing and running to the water.

"Oh, shit!" John B yells after wiping out.

"Dumbass." Liz says laughing at him.

"What the hell?" he now says watching a boat head out to sea as the screen turns off again.


The screen turns back on to show the storm over and John B waking up.

"No service? No power. Great." He says after seeing the outcome.

"Yo, JJ, you been outside?" He asks walking in the living room.

"I have polio, bro. I can't walk." JJ complains.

"Oh, man. That's no good. That is not good. Oh, man." JB says walking outside and seeing the damage.

"Oh shit." Walburga says looking at how awful.

"Agatha did some work, huh?" JJ asks standing on the porch.

"Yeah, she did." John B agrees.

"What you thinkin'?" JJ questions.

"I'm thinkin' that storm surge pushed all the crabs out on the marsh maze. All those drum are gonna chase the crab." he says.

"What about the DCS? Wasn't that today?" JJ asks.

"Nah, they're not gettin' on a ferry. Come on, think about it. It's God tellin' us to fish." John B tells him with asmirk as the screen goes black.


The screen turns back on to show Lizzie spinning around in the dark.

"Do I even want to know?" Rafe asks leaning in her doorway.

"Of course you should, its me." Is her reply.

"Okay I give, what are you doing peach?" Rafe asks using his nickname for her.

"I am seeing how many times I can spin without passing out." She says still spinning.

"Should have known it was something stupid, wanna play video games?" He asks.

"Yes!" She answers as she stops spinning.

"I made you stop spinning." Rafe says laughing until she jumps on his back.

"Get off of me you little ferret." He says trying to shake her off.

"You deserved it, you made me stop spinning." Lizzie says laughing making the room awe in her adorable laugh.

"NEVER!" She screams messing up his gelled up hair.

"What is going on?" Rose asks running in Liz's room.

"Nothing." They chorus as Liz gets down.

"The screaming didn't sound like nothing." Rose says at their obvious lie.

"Have you taken your meds today Rose? You are sounding crazy" Rafe says faking seriousness.

"Resume attacking your brother Liz." Rose says laughing walking out of the room hearing Lizzie win the fight and Rafe groaning.

"You kneed me in the dick, bitch." Rafe groans out as the screen cuts off.


(A/N: I'm sorry this took so long and is short, I am just so busy with school and home life sadly. but i am trying to update more love you guys <3.)

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