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Week 7

Joel left Saturday night before his mother returned home. We both were reluctant for him to go, but he reminded me of our date on Sunday - a date we spent little time planning.

We had spent most of the day Saturday naked and fucking. That was one benefit of a young partner. Sunday morning I woke alone with a sore vag and a goofy smile.

I showered and did a few chores. I was incredibly happy - an odd feeling for someone that spent the past decade in a melancholy gloom as I waited for my husband to turn from the frog to prince.

I stood in front of my place with the leaf blower to remove the last remnants of Fall and some pine pollen from Spring. The previous owners weren't very house-proud.

A familiar Audi parked along the curb across the street. As I watched Garrett get out, I decided to never stand outside again. I gave him a bright smile and token wave as he jogged to Joel's door.

"Hey, Sadie!" Garrett said as he caught site of me with the blower. "I'll be over in a sec." Be over?! The hell?!

I noticed Joel open the door. I had never seen the two men beside each other. It was wild how similar they appeared. The untameable hair alone was enough, but their mannerisms and the way they carried themselves was like looking at a copy/paste with the original being olde, yet showing few signs of age. Garrett held an appeal that drew me in and made me wish I met him first.

Jesus, Sadie! Stop drooling over your boyfriend's dad!

Boyfriend? Ouch, that didn't sound right even in my head. I'm sure Garrett would try to get me fired if he knew about Joel and I.

I finished the yard work and they seemed to have a good conversation. Garrett appeared pleased with whatever Joel was saying. And then I saw it: Joel gestured to me and Garrett looked over.

There I was acting like a creeper as they both glanced my way. I hurriedly finished up and put away my only power tool.

A few minutes later, I was drinking a coffee and a knock came at the front. I instantly knew it wasn't Joel, as he always came in through the garage. Fucking fuck.

I walked to the door with the coffee still in my hand. "Hey, Garrett," I said warmly as I greeted him.

"Hey, you," Garrett smoothly said. "I just wanted to say that I spoke to Jeff about his bullshit line about you not having kids. I don't think you need to worry about that nonsense anymore."

"Really? You didn't have..."

"Actually, Jeff and the company could get into a lot of trouble if they keep that shit up. So, I actually did have to," Garrett dryly chuckled. "But even if it wasn't the gateway to a discrimination suit, I would have said something. You are too young not to have a family."

"Well, thanks again. I really do appreciate it."

"No problem. Anytime. You guys have fun tonight," Garrett dropped the bomb with a smirk as he turned to jog back to his car.

My jaw was on the floor as was my nearly full coffee. "Crap," I said as I noticed the mess. "Crap," I repeated as Garrett drove off and I saw Joel leaning in his door with a sly smile. "Crap."


A few hours later I was putting on some makeup when I heard the garage door open downstairs.

"I'll be ready in a second!" I called down. "No seeing the date before the..." And in walks Joel with a dozen roses. I just stood there with my mouth agape for the second time today. "You didn't have..."

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